Help! Came home to this!

Thanks for the links i checked them out and i cant seem to pinpoint a match with deficiencies
Probabaly because it's several
Caused by off ph. I can't stress enough how blind you're working when you don't know your ph. Get a ph up and down kit. Otherwise you can add as much food and water as you like and that plant is never gonna be happy.

Probabaly because it's several
Caused by off ph. I can't stress enough how blind you're working when you don't know your ph. Get a ph up and down kit. Otherwise you can add as much food and water as you like and that plant is never gonna be happy.

Dang okay great thanks I'll go pick one up now and see what it's at
looks like a pest problem but it seems too large a surface area, OMG your pests would have to be huge to do so much damage in so little time, I would flush the whole medium with pH'd water let it dry and then start afresh from where you left off - you didn't say at what stage you were at, always use a Calmag supplement which will rule out future concerns of calcium and magnesium, other than that I cannot find anything similar - I've trawled the net to find what this could be but to no avail - good luck and happy growing remember - "keep it green and full of light" - Ryan Reilly
Thanks for the effort! They're 16 days old, northern light's auto flower
ask yourself… do you like decent smoke or amazing smoke? If the answer is amazing smoke next time don't buy an autos. Also, especially for a novice grower, don't buy autos, you have little to no margin for error with those bitches. With regular seeds if you develop an issue you have all the time in the world to correct it before going into flower, hell I've delayed flowering for up to a month on plants that got hit with issues before… worst case is a few grow to big, you clone em and run em next time.
You say this like you're some comedic genius…. way to recite others work tater-nuts!!
He stole it from other people. I can remember hearing that as a kid around here long before it was used in a comedy sketch.

It was a jab at someone making fun of regional dialect. "You's is just as common where the op is as "you uns" is here and "y'all" elsewhere.
When did this turn into an English class? Kushie I think you may have struck the nail right square on the head, Louis B did you get a pH kit to check if it's pH or not, you have to start out right or your building blocks will never be in the right place no matter what you do, get that pH checked out, then you can rule it out as being a problem cause you'll fix it right.
I got a ph tester finally! They range between 6.5 and 6.8. So i guess i gota bring it up a little?
Typically for most strains it's best between 6.0-6.5

Did you get a pen type tester? Or a ph up and down kit with the drops?

Use tap water that's been left out to dechlorinate or rain water, test it, adjust ph, give half a heavy watering (if the soil is dry) add some nutes at about 1/4 strength (recommend a low dose in case it was ph and the nutes are available) to some water and test that and adjust and give the remaining watering with the nute formula, and I'd probabaly add some Epsom salts as well. Ratio for that is about a tsp per liter. See how they fair out then. If it was lock out from ph, or lack of nutes, either way they will perk up.

Good luck!

Ah the color. Never occurred to me why anybody would care about lighting and i skipped that thread.. but now i know. It's really disliked, got it. Moving on tho i trimmed that really screwed up leaf off and here's a picture of the one that it started on. It seemed to of stopped spreading. I did water last night. Any chance that could of been caused simply by lack of water?
or is it close to the dirt and was wet to long
This was caused by my ph being too acidic. Preventing nutrient absorption. I then flushed with distilled and waited to give nutes incase the soil had enough but the ladies couldn't take them up from ph being off. And it got worse so I fed a 10-15-10 in ph adjusted rain water at half strength with a little Epsom salts and while the affected fan leaves continued to yellow and die but my new growth looks great. This is what mg and p Deff looks like.

Then eventually this happens:

And new lower branch leaves became affected:

This is how they look about a week later:

picture 2 had a sign of overnute needed the flush based on the leaf tips pointing perfectly downwards
or is it close to the dirt and was wet to long

picture 2 had a sign of overnute needed the flush based on the leaf tips pointing perfectly downwards

Yes as a result of my ph issue. Before I knew it was ph I gave another dose of nutes sooner than I normally would have, plants were taking up too much nitrogen which wasn't locked out at my low ph, where as the phosphorus and magnesium were.

ok i was just looking. it is funny how we overlook things and add nutes first without a full understanding at first,but then it becomes obvious after the nute money is going down the drain. done it a few times myself in the past
Probabaly because it's several
Caused by off ph. I can't stress enough how blind you're working when you don't know your ph. Get a ph up and down kit. Otherwise you can add as much food and water as you like and that plant is never gonna be happy.

you ever try advanced nutrients ph perfect i can honestly say i dont use a ppm or ph meter anymore because it really does it perfect the nutes are more readily available but a hair pricey about hundred bucks a run or so for a small grow say pound and a half
Typically for most strains it's best between 6.0-6.5

Did you get a pen type tester? Or a ph up and down kit with the drops?

Use tap water that's been left out to dechlorinate or rain water, test it, adjust ph, give half a heavy watering (if the soil is dry) add some nutes at about 1/4 strength (recommend a low dose in case it was ph and the nutes are available) to some water and test that and adjust and give the remaining watering with the nute formula, and I'd probabaly add some Epsom salts as well. Ratio for that is about a tsp per liter. See how they fair out then. If it was lock out from ph, or lack of nutes, either way they will perk up.

Good luck!

I got a pen with a gage, i just put it in one of the bottles of water i been using and it read 5.2.. ( pretty low isn't it? ) then i ran my tap water and checked that and its at around 6.5. So i guess a no Brainer here.. but i should probably start watering with my tap water.. i was just concerned about any minerals or what not that could be in the tap water. You normally rather drink bottled water then tap right, so i figured same for the plant's, I'll leave it sit out too like you mentioned
I got a pen with a gage, i just put it in one of the bottles of water i been using and it read 5.2.. ( pretty low isn't it? ) then i ran my tap water and checked that and its at around 6.5. So i guess a no Brainer here.. but i should probably start watering with my tap water.. i was just concerned about any minerals or what not that could be in the tap water. You normally rather drink bottled water then tap right, so i figured same for the plant's, I'll leave it sit out too like you mentioned

Your tap water is a pretty good ph, shouldn't take much to bring it around once you've added nutes. And actually the tap water will have some minerals the plants need like calcium, copper, iron, potassium and magnesium tho likely in small quantities. It's really quite good for them, as long as you let it dechlorinate :) best of luck! Keep me posted!

ok i was just looking. it is funny how we overlook things and add nutes first without a full understanding at first,but then it becomes obvious after the nute money is going down the drain. done it a few times myself in the past
I honestly use a very basic nute formula, NPK concentrate. I paid like less than 10$ for the bottle. But yes, it's crazy how much ph can fuck up a grow when you overlook it. It fucks up your learning curve too when you don't take it into account because you might think you're doing everything right, but if you don't know your ph, you're fucked.
