Help! Cannot figure this out.


Hello all, new to the site. I have an issue with my AK-48 grow that I for the life of me cannot figure out. The older fan leaves start to get faint rust looking spots on them and eventually it will consume the whole leaf and die. The plants seem to have stunted in growth for a while and the root systems are quite small. I have several years of growing under my belt and have had many successful grows with other strains. It does seem like all of my plants I have grown have done this to some extent, but not this bad. At first I thought it was either a Calcium or Magnesium deficiency, but after using Cal-Mag for a couple weeks now they are still doing it. This is driving me nuts!

Grow specifics: DWC buckets, RO/DI water (my own filter: starting water is usually 2 or 3 ppm), Flora Nova bloom using the Lucas formula, Cal-mag, water maintains around 70 degrees, tent environment at 72 degrees, fans for air exchange and wind simulation. pH 5.8 to 6.

Just started growing in a tent in a closed off room in a basement. Could this be lack of CO2? I do have a CO2 system on order and should be here next week. I also notice that my pH raises quite a bit in a 24 hour period. I pH down to 5.8 and within 24 hours it is back up to around 6.2. I have been keeping up on this daily and my pH meter is a higher quality Hannah that I calibrate frequently with fresh solution. The pH fluctuation seems kind of wild to me for a 24 hour period. Am I doing something wrong here? Could the DI portion of the R/O filter be causing this? It has to be something I am doing, because like I said, any strain I grow will do this, but not to the extent of these AK's. Thanks in advance and I really hope someone can help me out with this.



Active Member
Are you reusing that hydroton? Do you clean and sterilize the rocks in-between grows? I also keep my ph around 5.5


I do reuse my hydroton, but on this grow I actually started with new. I do rinse the hydroton with very hot water when I do reuse it though. I have read in places that some people use a lower pH in that range. I did lower it to 5.6 a couple days to see if it made a difference, but it didn't seem to change anything. Most growing sources say 5.8 to 6.2 for hydro, but I've seen a lot of people go lower. If I get more replies to lower the pH, I will try it. No offense, but I don't want to start changing things until I get some more replies so I'm not doing a bunch of changes all at once when answers start coming in.


Active Member
This chart is no help and you post it often. Notice how the tips curl up and it looks like u have a nuts deficiency? Most notably cal mag. Check your roots for aphids. Had the same problem with no help from this site because people post up pictures of deficiencies. You tried calmag with no avail yet people still think its a nute problem. Aphids suck the nutes from your roots and make it look like u have a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
This chart is no help (it may not help you but it has helped other people which was the intended idea so back off)and you post it often.(yup i may do but there are a lot of people asking for help on this site so if it helps why not?) Notice how the tips curl up and it looks like u have a nuts(you mean `nutes) deficiency? Most notably cal mag. Check your roots for aphids. Had the same problem with no help from this site because people post up pictures of deficiencies. You tried calmag with no avail yet people still think its a nute problem. Aphids suck the nutes from your roots and make it look like u have a deficiency.


I don't see anything critter wise on the roots, but is spots I do now notice some brown slimey stuff building up. I just always assumed it was discoloration of the roots from the flora nova. Upon some further reading, I may have some root rot or algae going on. I did have some algae problems initially before I covered the bucket lids with gorilla tape, but I think some may have stayed in the roots and is now progressing to fungus. Think I'm going to try some hydrogen peroxide and see if it clears this up. Would root fungus do this to the leaves? I have to run right now, but I'll post some picks of the roots later.


Active Member
Make sure no light goes in the resevoir and maybe lower your res temp 2 degrees. Don't use the 3% h2o2 you use to clean out booboos get the 35% stuff I use a teaspoon per gallon if I am having troubles and 1/2 that for prevention. I also completely clean out my resevoirs once a week with a weak bleach solution then a weak H2o2 solution then hot water. When I change the res water I also run a few gallons of fresh water PHd no nutes through the roots to clean out any buildup and dead critters in the root system. My tanks stay clean and my roots stay white as snow no slime inside them ever. I also am using Flora Nova to veg and bloom and it does not stain your roots. Will be hard to find the exact problem till ya get the res and roots clean. I think hydroton does tug on the ph some but I don't know for sure yet. Critters and algae in your res will tug at the Ph as well. PH out of wack can make it draw less nitrogen witch is what the problem looks like from the pics. Allthough I believe your Ph would have to get below 5.5 or above 6.8 to cause this. I have a res that keeps working its way up to 7.1 every day but they aren't yellow at all. It almost looks like they turned yellow and you tried to fix it with more nutes so you got the patchy colors and tip burn.


Chuck, thanks for the advice. This sounds like it probably is my problem then. Picked up some of the 35% stuff today and getting ready to go add it after I take a moment for a little enjoyment here. My res does drop to the mid 60's at night during lights off and I did light proof the lids after I had algae problems at first. This is a whole new setup for me and actually just a transition back into aeroponics (new tent and my old aero system wasn't user friendly for a tent). I plan on adding 5 ml per gallon right now and see what happens. I'll report back good or bad. Thanks again.


I added the 35% H2O2 and after 10 minutes looked at one of the root systems. I noticed the brown slimey gunk turning an opaque white so obviously something is happening.


Active Member
I added the 35% H2O2 and after 10 minutes looked at one of the root systems. I noticed the brown slimey gunk turning an opaque white so obviously something is happening.
Yeh if you can see the stuff coming off by eye you had a serious problem but easy enough to fix and prevent. Keep at it.