HELP cfl 9 weeks flower hermi PICS

9 weeks flowering...first pic is the hermie...its in there with the other two plants in the second pic, and 1 other what should i do...should i chop it or leave still has some growing to do with mostly white hairs if that matters..



Well-Known Member
enjoy the free feminized seeds. The bud will still be decent if it is that far along. You will just have to clean it a bit before filling the bowl. ;-)


Well-Known Member
yea i got a question about hermie seeds.

a couple grows back i planted 1 Amnesia Haze and 1 G-13 Haze...all femmed.

the Amnesia Haze had a few pollen sacks,,which disperesed on to the G-13 Haze.

my current grow consists of 1 amnesia haze and 2 g-13 haze which wer the hermied seeds from the hermied g13 from the previous grow.

my question is this...alll those hermied seeds are hey femmed aswell?
and what strain are they..are they g-13 and amnesia haze? or what?

i have to add the amnesia haze is strictly femmed.
the g 13 haze are the hermied seeds that turned out female.
thats why im asking.
well i chopped it weigh 70.6 grams wet so im thinking like a 1/2 oz dried....i watered yesterday i dunno if that matters.


Well-Known Member 9 weeks that is the plant probaby just screaming in your face that its DONE....not to mention they all look done. I mean all your fan leaves and even sugar leaves have no nutrition left in far were planning on taking them?


Well-Known Member 9 weeks that is the plant probaby just screaming in your face that its DONE....not to mention they all look done. I mean all your fan leaves and even sugar leaves have no nutrition left in far were planning on taking them?
Let nature do the trimming ;)
they might look done but there for sure not.....mostly white hairs and alot of growth.....they need like another week or 2 to dense up in the middle


Well-Known Member
hairs are not an indicator or ripeness. what do the trichromes look like? I'd be really surprised if those plants make it two more weeks.
what do you mean....they're juss gonna fall over and die? lol i was thinking more on just 1 weeks...i have a sativa in there that needs to go a good 13 weeks


Well-Known Member
you can't just go on time guidelines as to what a breeder says. plants can finish way sooner or later than expected. you should be checking out the trichromes on the plant for milky white going on amber depending on what you're looking for. some sativas will barely go amber triches. how are you feeding your plants? just soil..bottled nutes?


Well-Known Member
.... if you leave bud budding too long...... doesn't it start stressing and quickly making *last ditch effort* seeds............????????
coz yor bud looks kinda *over ripe!................


New Member
Definitely has some time left being hardly if any pistils have receded back into bud. It's not the main factor for when to harvest but I've never seen bud done with pistils standing that straight up.

Just leave em all. If the herm released viable pollen hopefully it only partially pollinated your girls. You should be able to look and feel for seeds, if you don't see many you are fine. Seeded bud is just as potent as sinsemilla, you just lose yield and being it's too late in flower to remove it keep it in until finished.

You really just need a $10 microscope, 30-100x. All you generally want is mostly cloudy glands with a spec of ambers and as little clears as possible.

With most strains especially under less favorable conditions(in your case weaker lighting and bonsai plants) many can go well over recommended flower times.