help choosing strain(s)!

Hey guys, this is my first post, but Ive been lurking around here for a few weeks. I have done a few cfl grows from bag seed that turned out well, but I want to grow some real good stuff. See around my city, its really hard to find headies, or even any kind of nugs. The best you can hope for around here is mids.

Im looking for 2 different strains, one for wake and bake (invigorating high, probably mostly sativa), and one for after I get off work (I want this to be very potent, something that I can smoke, and just veg out and play x box or watch movies. Probably mostly indica). I will be growing small clones in hempy buckets since I have perlite and verm from my shroom grows already. I will be growing SOG with cfls. I live in a small apartment, so low oder would definitely be a plus! (even though I will be using some kind of charcoal filter, its very important I have ZERO smell outside of the grow chamber). Other than that, the stronger, the better!


Well-Known Member
So you are looking for suggestions on clones or seeds? Clones would depend what is available to you. I will tell you my first grow was called Pure Power Plant and I still keep cloning her. Still my favorite strain as its easy, finishes incredibly early produces killer yields and frosts up as good as the best strains I've grown. You don't hear of this strain often but its a proven winner in my garden. Definitely get the stank out with some carbon and some containment. Anything you will grow is gonna stAnk. My odor comes into play about 3 weeks into veg and its marvelouuus.


Active Member
i agree with shwagbag. ppp would be a good choice as its pretty easy to grow and offers up big yields. No odor isnt really likely considering its mj. there will be SOME odor no matter how low odor the strain is...out of all the strains ive grown master kush (dutch passion) is one of the lowest didnt begin smelling at all until 3 weeks flowering. even then its a mild lemon (some phenos smell like pinesol) type smell. not over powering though.

if you dont grow in a tent with a carbon scrubber you're going to have smell in your place...the idea is to limit ventilation is a good idea not only for odors but for plant growth (plants grow better with fresh air rather than stale air unless of course you're using co2.

Northern Lights is an easy to grow strain with good yields/good quality smoke and is decently low odor.


Well-Known Member
Here is a wet cola of PPP from my first grow. All 3 plants were tight as hell top to bottom too, the lower canopy came out awesome.

P1000726 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
I would also like to add that it manicures very nicely and you can smash through a lot of it with the help of a couple friends.


Active Member
what the high of a PPP like? and what breeder did you get yours from as im pretty sure a few different breeders do PPP?

what was your setup/yield like?

sorry to hijack the have have it back now :)


Well-Known Member
My PPP is very social and up.... I don't use indicas at all and most research I've done on it says that PPP is mostly sativa or 100% sativa. I scored my seeds non-feminized from

My setup is small and basic I veg with a pioneer VIII and flower with 600W HPS in a 4' x 4' x 7' box. The most PPP's I've done at once was three and I got about 3-3.5 oz each dried of quality buds with a long veg of about 6 weeks. I don't think I topped them once on that grow. The colas were very nice and even the bottom branches reached for the sky. Probably the top 3/4 was dank and I harvested the whole plant at once. I had to tie the buds up in a tight group near the light and I thought they were going to hit the floor when I untied them lol. Here is a pic of one of them. Since this grow I like to LST them and go for a more uniform canopy. OMG I need to smoke a bowl of PPP now, this pic was from one of the coolest days of my life ahahahaha.


Maybe we should start a PPP thread lol. Please share pics from your grow I love this smoke, I think hiddenID will be sold on it.
Ok, I will definitely try the PPP! Being mostly sativa, I hope it performs well in a SOG. Im only wanting to veg each fruit for a few weeks before flowering. I already had white rhino in mind for my indica strain, maybe Ill go with that too. I love the indica high, but not for wake and bake. I have every other aspect of the grow under control, but I need to figure out some kind of carbon filter setup.


Well-Known Member
I like bigbud for wake and bake, and ICE for playing with the remote.. Ice is strong yet dose not have a strong oder when flowering, a very good strain for growing indoors..

Yah, the pure purple power is very good 2.


Active Member
dont asume all sativas will give you a nice mild head high and that indicas are heavy and will couchlock you, i have had sativas that completely disable you mentally as well as physically check out Mandala seeds Satori


Well-Known Member
True, I found PPP to be an awesome "up" high, ice to be a nice combination and for my downer buzz I use Crystal. White Widow and Northern Lights hybrid so it has indica tendencies for sure. I don't like to use it when I'm active. I can say from experience that Crystal also has outstanding yields and great resin production. The pick in my avatar is Crystal from a harvest last month. Here is a close-up.

P1010010 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
dynamite is a easy and a powerful plant, grapefruit, I have looked up swiss cheese and was going to order it but i went with the Aurora instead"for now". Swiss cheese has a lot of good benefits like mold resistant, can stand high heat and has a very fast flowering cycle. Here is a link so you can review it.

The Dynamite is also has a fast flowering cycle and is easy to maintain it, the hi was amazing

Good luck to you!!!


Active Member
My PPP is very social and up.... I don't use indicas at all and most research I've done on it says that PPP is mostly sativa or 100% sativa. I scored my seeds non-feminized from

My setup is small and basic I veg with a pioneer VIII and flower with 600W HPS in a 4' x 4' x 7' box. The most PPP's I've done at once was three and I got about 3-3.5 oz each dried of quality buds with a long veg of about 6 weeks. I don't think I topped them once on that grow. The colas were very nice and even the bottom branches reached for the sky. Probably the top 3/4 was dank and I harvested the whole plant at once. I had to tie the buds up in a tight group near the light and I thought they were going to hit the floor when I untied them lol. Here is a pic of one of them. Since this grow I like to LST them and go for a more uniform canopy. OMG I need to smoke a bowl of PPP now, this pic was from one of the coolest days of my life ahahahaha.

View attachment 1455264

Maybe we should start a PPP thread lol. Please share pics from your grow I love this smoke, I think hiddenID will be sold on it.
that PPP looks great. 3-3.5 oz per 5gal plant isnt bad...i may have to consider this... do you find it at all racy or panic attack inducing? im always on the hunt for a sativa that comes with a clear head and doesnt cause paranoia or panic attacks...let me know.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking ice plants. .. Those buds always grow long and slender there's no question which one is which in my box.

I don't find the PPP to cause paranoia attacks but I think that would vary from person to person. Thanks for the compliments on the PPP plant, that is also a cut off 5 gallon bucket to about 3 gallons.

The White Buffalo

Active Member
If you are going to run a 100% sativa with CFL's you might want to think about throwing a screen down and going SCROG. It might be a lot more efficient and easier to manage. Trying to SOG a sativa strain especially if not from clone with CFL's sounds like chaos to me.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to run a 100% sativa with CFL's you might want to think about throwing a screen down and going SCROG. It might be a lot more efficient and easier to manage. Trying to SOG a sativa strain especially if not from clone with CFL's sounds like chaos to me.
I would agree with that most def. Keeping the canopy even will be very important and increase your yield of quality freweetttzzz.