HELP - Cleaned RDWC with Physan 20 - Foaming/Bubbles ???


Active Member
Hi All

Just dumped my 200l rdwc, cleaned, bleached, then ran Physan 20 for 24 hours, drained TOTALLY, even used wet vac to empty all tubs.

I have just refilled ready to add PH, add nutes etc and ALL my tubs are filled with foam !!!!!

This is due to aeration from flooming/airstones.

What do i need to do guys ?



Well-Known Member
I have used Physan20 with good results. The stuff will foam even at a small concentration. To kill root rot the dosage is only 1ml for every 3 gallons and only for a few days. I know that airstones are pretty much out of the question while it's in the system. If it were my res I'd flush it with fresh water once more and then go for it. One thing is for sure now. You shouldn't have any nasty microbes in your system!


For clean my hydroponic system i use 2ml ph- x Liter with ro water and make the pump run for some hours. Than rinse with only ro water.


Well-Known Member
physan foams. you really need to read the insert that came with the bottle. that shit is nasty toxic as well. You probably need to rinse at least 2 more times and scrub with a rag to make sure you get all the physan out. it will burn roots pretty easily. Works like a champ to kill bad stuff though ;)