Help clones dying


Active Member
I have a aeroponic cloning bucket I use to root clones. All goes well and they develop massive root systems in the bucket. When I remove them and plant in FFOF soil they almost immediatly die. I mean literally dry out to a crisp in the matter of a few hours. I have also tried placing them into solo cups inside a humidity dome and they still die but 4 days later. Any ideas?? Im stumped. NY Sour diesel


Well-Known Member
I would tend to agree about ffof being too hot for your young uns, try mixing in some happy frog and/or light warrior with it. But it could be other things, cause Ive put babbies into ffof without too much burn..


Well-Known Member
Aeroponic cloners are generally used for hydro systems. When the roots develop in the fine mist they tend not to grow tiny hair like feeder roots since nutrients and water are readily available. They don't have any medium to search through as they dangle freely in the bucket. Also known as "wet" roots, they look like wet noodles instead of web like thin hairs Aero clones are difficult to take in soil, but its possible. But in hydro they thrive. Ed Rosenthal's oaksterdam course book has a section on it.

Try a few clones in coco with hydro nutes. They may uptake better.


Well-Known Member
the FFOF is not too hot for seedlings or clones, been using it right from bag for years with no problems...just need less light on 24/7 and patience but you can mix some happy frog or perlite in a small cup and let them get roots before going right from water to a 16oz cup. I just did 11 ww clones from a bubble system and 9 took to the soil. I lost 2 and that is not bad at all... good luck to you


Active Member
I have been growing cheese for over a year doing the same thing I always do. Must be this strain that doesn't like it?? I just put two fresh clones into a top feed see what happens.


Well-Known Member
thirdgen4me i used to have this same problem. i use an ez cloner and some clones would dry up and die very quickly. i solved it by wrapping a 1 inch block of wet rockwool around the roots before placing in the soil so the roots would have constant moisture like they are used to until they grow into the dirt good. hope this helps u out.