HELP! couple of good plants giving up??

heres a couple pics of the my lavender batch. one of them started dropping then became limp and lifeless. then another started doing it today and im worried. is ther anything i can do. we are about to put them to flowering/ transition stage. any help? will put up picks tomarrow.



Well-Known Member
it could be anything, you gave absolutely no grow info that could be of any use. i understand if you cant get the pic till tommorow cuz they are sleeping or something but you cant just come on saying you have a problem and then not give us any info and expect us to be able to help you, lol, dont take this the wrong way, im just fucking with you....but anyway how bout that info now?


Active Member
Need more info if you want any help. Can you give some details so we can try and pinpoint the problem for you
sry i thought it showed the info form eariler posts. heres my set up.

36- 5 gal buckets in two seperate 3x6 rows (same room)
running hydroton with Hydro farm nutes
air stone w/sub pump w/tubing etc
55 gallon res (filled to 40-45 gals)
2- 1000 lights 1- 1.5 feet above plants
all walls sealed with reflective white mylar.

heres where im at,

put in 12 lavender on 3/4/2010

so far on the aggressive growth stage of nutes (4th stage) about to move to flowering stage next week and move them to another room.

water is a day over due could that add to my problems? about to change it.. :(


Well-Known Member
should i give me more water. its on four times a day for like 30 mins pumping in and out.

well you got them in a small starter cube surrounded by clay pebbles, the only thing that retains water there is the little cube which isn't enough to sustain the plant. As soon as the pumps go off it starts to dry out. The watering running over those pebbles shouldn't be far away from being constant
shorter water cycles more often or incorporate a dripper system. it deff looks like they are dying from lack off water. good luck