HELP!!! Day 31 of indoor grow, and seeing BIG trouble! HELP


Well-Known Member
i did cut a clone last night. im gunna continue growing the mother and just see what I can get out of her.. The clones medium I think will be alot like yours, and my tangerine dream and super lemon haze will be similar as well.. my next question.. when deciding how long to flower for.. do you guys go around 60 days from switching the light schedule to 12/12 or is it 60 days from when the pistils first appear?? btw, first few hairs appeared last night. thanks


Well-Known Member
I took pics, my only problem is I'm not on my actual home computer, and don't really wanna upload photos to my mothers pc.. lol... but will get posted as soon as I get to my pc
i experienced all those droopy/curling leaf problems before when i first started haha, some pictures would help and for sure i could give you some input


Well-Known Member
Update! Widow turned out great! Got 1 oz off of it. Which isn't great but not bad for only using 3 42watt cfls.. And the smoke is the best around.. I learned a lot from my first grow! Already have another one going but it's an outdoor grow of super lemon haze! A whole different realm of problems going outdoor but I'm excited to see how it goes!