Help diagnosing.


I should probably say aswell I'm watering with 2 litres once the soil probe indicates I'm in the red for moisture. And the pot is noticeably lighter. This last watering took nearly a week before it needed water again

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Fwiw I thought t looks like it's been pretty dry at the top, ime the perlite goes brown/green, get a pencil/stick and lift/dig down an inch and check its damp.
I didn't think it worth mentioning but I see your relying on a probe, just double check.


Fwiw I thought t looks like it's been pretty dry at the top, ime the perlite goes brown/green, get a pencil/stick and lift/dig down an inch and check its damp.
I didn't think it worth mentioning but I see your relying on a probe, just double check.
Yeah I'm checking with my fingers and the probe tbh.

In the pics I'd just given it a litre instead of 2 litres and just around the roots not spread over the whole pot. Didn't want to dump a full 2 litres of soft water on it lol and have it process water lacking in calcium and magnesium again for another week.

I'll top it up another litre when I get the supplement on Friday


Ok so.

My water is reading 50ppm after filtering through a Brita filter. Added calmag at the recommended dose per litre which brought the ppm up to 78ppm.....should I be balancing my base ppm to 100/150 before adding nutrients?

After adding the recommended amount of nutrients and ph balancing back up to good levels here are my ppm/ec/ph readouts. I'm feeding 2 litres of water.

In: ppm: 540. Ec:1159. Ph: 6.4.
Run off: ppm: 1007 Ec: 2204. Ph: 6.4.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
If I'm reading this right you need to back of with nutrient, cool the room or double your run off amount, with coco your run of should be below its original strength.


If I'm reading this right you need to back of with nutrient, cool the room or double your run off amount, with coco your run of should be below its original strength.
Yeah I thought getting basically doubling of my ppm and ec looked a little off...

I'm not growing in coco though its soil thats purposefully very low/devoid of added nutrients.

I also noticed I am getting the very tips of the two first proper leaves going funny, like maybe the begginings of burn, I'm guessing even half/two thirds strength mix for a two litre watering is too much and the plant doesn't have the root system to use it up yet.

I think I'll reduce to one third strength for a couple of weeks on the next watering (right now a 2 litre watering lasts about a week before its dried up properly)

Oh and the room is cool already and the temperature in the tent is always in the 70f zone .


Active Member
I should probably say aswell I'm watering with 2 litres once the soil probe indicates I'm in the red for moisture. And the pot is noticeably lighter. This last watering took nearly a week before it needed water again
Those soil probes are unreliable as they can store moisture in the rod.. You end up doing more damage than good as you can damage your root system. I recommend either the lifting the pot method or just turn up a lil bit of soil n check to see if its moist or not. Looks slightly over watered with the droppyness