Help!!! Does my plant look healthy?


New Member
This is my first time growing. Lol! And I'm clueless to the fact of why my plant still look small. I'm growing white widow and here's a pic of it at 56day old from seed. Now when I see other people plants. They are so much bigger. Is this normal ??



Well-Known Member
too many nutes, not enough oxygen to roots, or possibly not enough light or a combination of all 3. I'd say too many nutes and not letting it dry out enough between waterings just by looking at the pic. I'd say let it dry out and give it only plain ph'd water next time.. maybe even a small flush.


Well-Known Member
you could fill in more dirt to bury up some of that bare stem too which will help promote more root growth


Well-Known Member
Keep that thing 2 feet away from the light, only use distilled water for 2 weeks without ph balancing it because the miracle grow soil you are using is more acidic. Because it is in a 1gal pot, water it with 500ml every 5-7 days id say. After 2 weeks take a picture for an update. Then u can probably transplant into a bigger pot with the RIGHT soil (which is "Promix HP" a soiless mix) then you can start using your foxfarm nutes at half the recommended dosage then slowly increase with every other watering. I would suggest feeding EVERY OTHER watering once u start using your nutes.


New Member
Hell no. Lol not tossing it. It still going to grow something. May not be what I wanted. But something will grow. This is my first grow ... Loll so I'm new to this