HELP! Don't know what this is!


My plants are about 3.5 weeks in veg, alien OG, under 2 1000w lights. I had a spider mite issue which has since been resolved, but now I have some blacks spots and leaves curling. Also leaves have a somewhat waxy look. Can't quite figure out what this is. Please help!



Well-Known Member
Have no experience with the product you mentioned. My first thought was N load up, but I'm not sure of the after effects of the insecticide is that you used.

I had a bout of N TOX this time around - Fish Emulsion is much stronger than I realized - and the leaves looked a bit like that at the onset. Then they rotted from the tips inward until I got it squared away.


Well-Known Member
A flush and time sorta fixed it, and I was very meticulous about feeding for 2 or 3 weeks. I made sure NOTHING I gave them had Nitrogen in it - including Cal/Mag. I couldn't find any Cal/Mag locally that didn't have any N so I decided to just give them Epsom Salt (for the Mag) while I waited it out.

To be honest, they never really completely squared away....they are in their 10th week of flower now and STILL have f-ed up leaves left over from the N tox in veg. They do recover enough to keep going though - at least mine did.


Well-Known Member
I didn't do a FULL BLOWN flush. I ran about 2 gallons through 3 gallon pots. It keeps the better part of a gallon in the pot then the second gallon flushes away a good bit of the toxicity.