help, don't know what's wrong.


Active Member
I planted these the first week of april. I transplanted them into huge pots to get nice big plants for a healthy harvest. Although they are grow very well in size a lot of leaves are turning yellow and dieing. Now I don't add any fertilizer of any kind, just water and good soil. The only thing I could think of then was the water hard to be very hard or filled with chlorine. So I let the water sit for 24 hrs before watering, but I'm getting positive results. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Do u ph the water before u feed them with it?

Might b lacking Nitrogen

It would b a good idea to use some nutes cause they are big plants


Active Member
Thank you for the replies, I'll add some bio-grow and see what results I get. they are el nino by the way....


Well-Known Member
they can definitely take those nutes at full strength, your plants will love it! post some pics in a few days.


New Member
yea with the proper amount of nitrogen ur plants leaves should stop turning yellow and dieing bucuz without nutes the plant is weak. if it has nutes then it is probly more resistant to becoming damaged cuz i wasnt giving my 1 plant nutes for 2 1/2 months just water and sunlight but realized it needed nutes as soon as i changed its soil and transplanted it into a 16 oz cup it completely turned around its nice and healthy and green so nutes obviously make ur plants more stronger. no nutes = weak plant, less leaf tissue etc.......