HELP droopy leaves n burns needs help


Active Member
This is my kush day36 flower n its needs some help rite now
my ph is 6.4-6.6 and my nutes i use every other water usually is 15 30 15
I have 4 cfls on it so its getting pretty good light
so if anyone can help me out pleaseeee do
+ rep for help


Well-Known Member
How do you test your PH? much and how often?
Nutes....full, half, 1/4 strenghth?
Your plant looks stretched from not enough light. Have you had your CFL's close enough? Within 3 inches? Obviously the plants is at least a foot tall, so if you have CFL's ABOVE it then most of the plant is too far away to get good light. Leaves that dont get good light, the plant likes to suck all the nitrogen(mobile element) out of them and ditch em. In other words they turn yellow and fall off. Could be what has happened here. The top looks a little pale too though. I think your nutes might be too strong too. Yeah, you have a few different issues to work out.


Active Member
I usually test the ph every other time i water and i water about every 3-5 days depending on if the soil is completely dry
and i only have the nutes at 1/4 strength right now
i know i need to get more cfls for the sides and the lower leaves i want to try and get some really soon
So rite now what do you think the best thing to do would be??
thankx a lot for the help


Well-Known Member
Well i think you should lay off the nutes right now because I dont think the plant is useing them properly and they will build up in the soil. When you test your ph you should test the PH of the water before you pour in it the pot (and ammend it to about a 6.3-6.5), then you need to collect a sample of the runoff out the bottom of the pot. This will give you and idea of the actual SOIL ph. What kind of soil ya using?


Active Member
alrite thanks ill defiantly do that next water n let you know the results
the soil im using is organic choice natural ingredients


Well-Known Member
yeah with that soil and that size plant, you really didn't need to add any nutes at all. You should probably flush them all out of your soil, its been too much.


Well-Known Member
Well you should not have before, your soil was plenty rich for that plant in that pot. But depending on how well you flush it, you may have to feed it some after you flush it all out. That its going to be hard to tell because so much damage has been done. I have a feeling its going to be hard to flush that soil. Its probably kind of muddy, if you didn't add perlite or anything to it. Anyway depending on how well you flush it.....After you flush and it dries back out a bit start in with really weak nutes. but the lesson here is not to over do it next time. small plants like that are supposed to be easy, its the big plants in small pots that use everything in the pot as far as organic nutrients and you have to ADD fertilizer to it. You would have been fine with just the soil you had. For the small plant you have.


Active Member
alrite so pretty much i should flush then start back over with the nutes really weak n move my way up with them very slowly


Well-Known Member
alrite so pretty much i should flush then start back over with the nutes really weak n move my way up with them very slowly
Yes, That would be my vote. I think that its easyer to fix plant problems if you flush the plant, wash all the salts off the roots. And make your amendments slowly so not to shock the plant.
good luck, peace


Active Member
I tell you what
I think you may have give the plant too much love.
It looks to me like too much nutes and a little to much water
I am not an expert but the numbers you quoted on your NPK
would tell me that it is pretty hot stuff. I agree with the flush
as the first step.
Then if you come back with the same nutes mix to 1/4 strength
and cut in half on the first feed.
I am also thinking you are well into flowering so for the most part
the damage has been done. I dont think revegging is an option but
would be curious if there is a different opinion.
I do wish you the best of luck just a little more foreplay before slapping
on the nutes


Well-Known Member
hmm, kinda looks to me like your in flower and the plants pulling nitrogen out of the fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
ok I went back and checked the pics its classic sign's of over watering. ( the down curved leaves).
2# nute burn from high levals of nute's and most likly salt build up. The tip and side leaves look like its singed (classic sign, if you wernt burning it with a lighter id suspect the nutes of lights.
but since all the pic's shown looks like first growth at the bottom of the plant nearest to the soil will show first signs of problems.
What id do if i were you! flush the plant well with just water wait untell you can digg your finger down the side of the pot and it feels dry, this is like the best indactor that your plantws need water, if there is moisture in there youll feel it and you wont over water.
nute cut them down big time if you must nute with every watering make the nute's very weak, and flush on a regular basis


Active Member
alrite tnankx for the help everyone
im flushing today n starting the nutes over
ill prolly post some pix up n a week or 2 n let you guys see how theyre turning out


Well-Known Member
There are also products available which are supposed to help "scrub" the soil of nutes, such as Flora Kleen by GH or Sledgehammer by Fox Farm. I'm not sure if they make that much of a difference, but the guy at my friendly neighborhood grow store highly recommended the Flora Kleen, and he's extremely knowledgeable and doesn't "upsell", so I took his word for it.

By the way, I've read in several different places that the amount of water you want to use to flush is about 2x the volume of the pot... for me, using 1 gallon pots, I'd want to use 2 gallons of water for each one.

remember your name

Active Member
def flush i know its been said before but a little tip on flushing because when i did it my first time i was clueless other than dumping water in lol, so getcha plant in tha tub take off the bottom if there is one "drainage" and dump water with a ph of 7 distilled works best until water comes out the bottom, go smoke a bowl or 2 and wait 10 minutes, go back in and dump another large amount of 7 ph water this time with some dolomite lime pellets mixed in water 1 tablespoon is good pour water in until comes out the bottom. leave plant in the tub to drain extra water tap it down but dont shake it that helps get more water out, for the next 3 days your plant will look shitty because it just got overwatered and its already burned, the leaves dying will continue to die, dont prune them off until 50% dead. good luck =) Get the lime at home depot you'll have to ask around no one there knows anything lol its only like $5 for a 40lb bag