HELP, droopy plants?

Bro, I'm having a similar problem in my 600W DWC Cabinet. I read it could be from not getting enough oxygen to the roots. I also read that Hygrozyme is great for root health so I'm giving it a shot, along with a fresh changeover in my reservoir. Also, my air stones were kinda clogged with what appeared to be algae, cleaned them also. I'll let you know if the Hygrozyme worked.
how did the hygrozyme work for you?


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree and dissagree with the post above a plant that is suffering heat issues tends to have the leaves pointing up ward and suffer from leaf curling.But i agree with the over watering the plant will just look sad.Water once a week but use lots of water with nutes in if the plants are old enougth to cope with nutrients.If they are a little dry round about day 5 then add a little more but you are far better getting to know the weights of the pots when dry because sometimes the plant will still be wet at the end of the week depending on size the water will be at the bottom of the pot.If this is the case then do not add more water/nutes let the plant search out the remaining water this is how to get a nice root mass.................................tyke..........................................................................


Well-Known Member
You should only be flooding rockwool cubes once a day because they retain alot of water, usually people use hydroton and only flood (usually twice a day) to just below the cube. Also your probably gonna have deficiency issues from running different strains on the one table, because different strains use different nutrients at different times.
You should only be flooding rockwool cubes once a day because they retain alot of water, usually people use hydroton and only flood (usually twice a day) to just below the cube. Also your probably gonna have deficiency issues from running different strains on the one table, because different strains use different nutrients at different times.
cool thanks, what about the veg room? only flood it once also?


Well-Known Member
Start with flooding once a day, if they look underwatered up it to twice. Why not get some large net pots, fill the bottom with hydroton, put the cube in and then fill the pot up the sides until it covers the top of the cube?