HELP! Drying & Curing 1 0 1

Thanks budfever for sharing that great primer on the harvesting/curing process! Great read and info!

No problem my friend.
I have been a big fan of Subcool and Jillz work for a long time. They give great info that is also very well written, very detailed and easy to understand.
It was their info that got me to the point im at now, So im glad to pass along the info that helped me out so much.
awsome ill do that, but its simalar to other posts , i cant get enough info regarding cure tho lol

That's because there's only one way for the product to (air) cure. Simply drying the bud, stuffing it into a jar and burping the thing every so often doesn't do a thing if the product is too wet/dry. We can either measure the humidity inside the curing container to gauge the state of the product, or we can act on faith. The choice is yours. Good luck.

yea i agree the hydrometer will be a great tool, as every country-state-home is different so a meter will be a must in my view for me as its my first time doing it,so 55-60 rh is good to light up from what i gather or is 60-70 rh ok?
yea i agree the hydrometer will be a great tool, as every country-state-home is different so a meter will be a must in my view for me as its my first time doing it,so 55-60 rh is good to light up from what i gather or is 60-70 rh ok?

Take a look at the tutorial link'd in my sig.

Hey hydroplus, if u need advice drying and curing, i suggest searching Subcools post "After the Harvest". i believe it was actually written by mzjill, Sub's better half. Anyhow, it is a very in-depth article on the drying and curing process, even goin so far as to explain the decarboxylation. Ive adjusted my techniques to follow Subcools advice and it works excellent for me. Peace