Help everyone first grow


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone I need a little direction this is my first time growing indoor a little worried. All the help I can get would be appreciated will also post pictures my babies are 18 days old.Growing in organic soil two cfls 2100 lumens:idea: apiece output.Hope that is enough for two.have a 4" high velocity fan on them humidity 45% temp88 degrees.:weed:

Getting the "Led" out



Active Member
good job man!! those deff look like they are coming along great and pretty healthy overall!! =) umm suplemental lighting wouldnt hurt at all like in all the posts youll read, "the more light the better" is always stated lookin good some pics of the actual space they are in while lights are on and such would be pretty cool good luck man happy grows it!!



Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:first grow indoor had a little trouble on day 21 dropped both plants and only one survived I'm praying for a girl.She's?going strong for now peace out will post my last thread I did last night grow started from seedling August 8th.:joint::peace:


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
They are good but you could see a lot more growth if you change a couple of things.

Get them out of the stagnant water and put them in a styrofoam cup. No light should hit the roots.
keep the soil damp, not wet. Best time to water is when soil is almost dry and just before the plant starts to droop. water them with a little superthrive when you do. your humidity should be between 50-60.
Most importantly your temp is way too high. they are like us comfortable around 73-75 f. get the heat down.
More light always helps. if you can get a 250 watt cool blue cfl. That should do the trick.

Remember that root growth early in the game is more important than veg growth. It doesnt look like you have any roots popping out yet. Try root 66 (you can get it at any hydro store) it will increase your root growth so that your plant can take in the food it needs to grow big.

Love them, care for them and they will love you right back. Good luck.