HELP!!! experienced growers with seed expertise


Well-Known Member
Let me lay everything out for you:
-1st grow(indoor)
-$1,000 budget(excluding cost of seeds)
-looking for a cannabis cup winner with highest THC level for 15 Lbs in 80 days

I've done some research and i'm leaning very strongly toward White Russian(Serious). Is the 15 in 80 possible with White Russian, if not what other Cannabis Cup Winner should i select ? Let me add, the grow will be organic under optimum conditions. I've built a reputation of having quality herb, but, I'm fresh off the boat, so, to speak when it comes to growing. This is something that I've been plotting for 13yrs almost half my life and i definitely want to do it right. I'm so, fucking eager for you guys input i can't wait, so, with that being said, Suggestions!!!!

P.S. If you love Rollitup like I do put your lighters in the air one time


Active Member
well thats a lot of stuff in my opinion. I think that your goals are a little unrealistic. First of all i looked at the total desired grammage. 6,720 Rule of thumb has always been .50 grams per wattage of lights per 30 a sea of green mind you. in order to produce that much stuff in 80 days u would have to grow outdoors for one thing. Indoors 1000$ budget isnt going to stretch that far I'd say maybe a 400 w MH and a 1000 w HPS some cfls and thats kinda pusshing it not to mention soil nuts pots electricity fans etc.

you would need to germ (2 weeks) and veg plants(3weeks+)) initially take clones determine sex(2 weeks+) and than take more clones (2 weeks+)veg and than u have a started flower chamber where u wont get 1st harvest for say 8 weeks. thats 17 weeks min. about 119 days for a 1/2 of your weight for 30 days standard. So obv u can see the logic behind that. So thats about 63 days of just vegging rotting and filling.

once u have that out of the way, lets say how could u accomplish 15 pounds of herb in 80 days or 11.5 weeks. Since we r going to be in 2 week intervals when harvest. make it 12 weeks or 84 days. most seeds harvest in 8 weeks so u woul get 3 harvests in 84 days. 6720g / 3 harvests = 2240g per harvest. At .50 g per watt ever 30 days thats roughly saying u would need proly at least 4500 w of electricity in HIDS.

Thats just a standard many growers produce 1g per w per 30 days so even if u half that its still 2200 w of electricity evry month needed for just the bloom room. My suggestion would be this....set more reasonable goals if u have a g to invest and u want a proven breeder get Chronic from serious seeds. It's not a first prize award winner but it has been entered and won honors at can cup. It's known for it's large yeilds w/out sacrificing quality as much. I have read connesours who have a very discerning pallate say it's very good smoke. This should be up your alley seeing as yeild is your main concern. Get a 600w HPS (Best buy for buck) and get in about 17 weeks(119 days) u harvest first bud. A pound a month would probaly be reasonable under optimum conditions so for 1000$ maybe u could harvest 15ps in about 1-1/2 years. :)

Or u can get a huge outdoor strain and guerilla grow :)


Well-Known Member
ouchhhhhhhhhh, you hurt my feelings with your post. But your post was very informative. Hmmmm, guerrilla grow sounds interesting but i'm in a metropolitan area. I seen a post, 60 plants first grow, lets say i tried to duplicate such a application with two or maybe three locations with 60 plants, could a yield like what i'm looking for be done? And if so, would the strain matter? Please, excuse the noobness i'm just graduating from the "hood" and entering into commercial growing market and looking to get into breeding.


Active Member
60 plants/6720g=112 or a qp exactly. It could be done but u would have to grow a qp per plant thats a big plant serious seeds chronic says 600g per meter squared so u would need about 12 meters squared of flowering female clones under optimum conditions. Lets say u could probaly use a 600w HPS on a light mover to cover a 2 square meter area and u need 6 600 w hps divide that by 3 diffwerent grow rooms thats 2 600 w lamps per room, each covering 30 plants. This setup would have a total of 180 plants and you would need 37.3 g per clone thats probably about reasonable. And yes think yes the strain is going to matter u want a big yeilding strain that performs very well in sea of gren and doesnt get to tall. Always remember that the more plants u grow the more u risk.


Well-Known Member
risk is my middle name. But, to get my desired results i should just do a guerrilla is the tone i'm getting from u. But, there is something in my brain that says theres another way. Let me tell u what type of cognitions i'm having. I'm in the east and i have a connect that keeps lets say high grade and i purchase lbs wkly. I won't ask him where it comes from because, he won't tell me but, the word around town is its the Jamaicans. Now i know they aren't consistently bringing in all that herb through customs so there has to be some sort of mass production. I need a discreet version of that but , hydroponic ally applied. I think u misunderstood me when u said something to the effect of me wanting to compromise quality for quanity. Quite to the contrary, i need a strain that has very high THC levels with complementary yield if you will. Would i just be better off growing some kind of sativa outdoors, haze or such. If so, what strain, because, i know its almost time to get started, for an outdoor grow that is