Help fast germination question already put in towell !!!!!!!


i got a barneys farm pineapple chunk i need to know if i should put it under my 400 watt hps to germinate on no light and what light if any thanks please reply fast


Well-Known Member
i just keep the wet paper towel in a bag on top of my cable box, works for me.


id put them in a cup of warter in a dark warm place i have jst germinated 6 pinapple chunks myself using this method.
i normally try to have 80-90 but im sure it can fluctuate personaly i have done it in 70-75 beffore but not with 100% success i normaly do it in a bottle of water ontop of my power pack or in the kitchen

and if you are using tap water let it sit for atleast a day so all the chlorine and other shit can evaporate and so it reaches room temp (but again i have done it with out letting it sit and used cold water...)