Help fast!!! Ripped roots!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i was watering my plants today and i look up to see hikers walkin up over the hill right towards me!!(didnt see me for sure though) I had to grab my now 6 ft plant(In a 5.5 gal bucket buried under the ground) and sprint the hell out of there...the problem is therer were CRAZY roots coming from the holes in the bottom that just ripped right out from the ground..Im so scared my plants gonna die HES MY BIGGEST MOST HEALTHY ONE!! and to top it off, i tripped over a log at full sprint and busted my shit and now have bloody cuts n bruises everywhere only because i went straight down no hands because no way in hell was i lettin go of this baby!!

PLEASE EVERYONE I NEED YOUR INPUT!!!!! and some band-aids...


Well-Known Member
It's sad to hear about your plight. The problem is now if the plant will get the water it needs also is your root system going to rot and die out. Couldn't say which of those events would happen but that would probably be the best reasoning for the plant to die from my knowledge (which is limited to only reading) Hope that's helps a little bit.


Well-Known Member
yea it does but what kept my hopes up is that the main root system is in the big ass 5.5 gallon bucket...HELP VETERANS!!

+rep for the quick input thanks!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
.Im so scared my plants gonna die HES MY BIGGEST MOST HEALTHY ONE!!

If it's a HE then why do you care? :twisted:

Just replant it somewhere else. There is a whole root system.... your chances are good it will survive. Maybe some "shock" but if the root system is good then is should be resilient and do just fine. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I would think as long as the majority of the root system resides in the bucket the plant will be fine, but probably will be in shock for a while.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
it will live this happiend to me as well i ripped about half way into it and it did fine as long as u didnt rip it all the way off


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much everyone, you made me feel a lot better!!!

and by 'he' I mustve not been payin attention to the typin lol...see some female preflowering so its a she!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any tips i could use now that my plant is going through shock? I just feed it water no nutrients...but the roots were so thick im afraid she might die...

Does anyone know how long before i know that she will die if the root damage was really bad..a day, a week..etc.. thank you!!