Help few questions regarding setup


Active Member
hey, new to a dr150 and an xtrasun aircoolable reflector, also got the 6"inline can-fan filter combo..just wondering am i cooling the light with intakefan ducting from a/cvent, then on the other side of reflector have the carbonfilter attached to exhaust fan? also with the dr it has afew 6"holes should ii just leave then open for passive air?

also the Gen-1 co2 generator is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
dude, the can fan combo is for odor, do not hook that up to your refelctor, you need some ducting and a six inch inline duct fan or whatever the size of the flanges are on your reflector...what those types of hoods are for is to have a fan suck the hot air out of one side while running cool fresh air from the otheri have 3 1000w and i swear you can touch the glass and not get burned, in regards to the can fan, just mount inside your room and run a duct outside, carbon fans suck the odor particles from the air and exhuast clean air to your outside


Well-Known Member
yeah bro oyur can fan combo is only for odor reduction not for the process or extracting air from the hood,.it probablly isnt powerful enough. look on ebay for a 6" vortex inline fan that run about 160 with free shiping if you look at the right person selling it that will have aout 424 cfm which will be more than enough. you can then hook just a carbon filter to the other end and suck the air though the carbon filter and then push it to the outside already cleaned by the filter or mentioned above with bringing cool air in and taking hte other air out with the carbon filter combo hooked up to the exhaust vent lines....hop ei helped


Active Member
ok i guess im just going to run the Canfan/filter combo seperatly running out a hole in the tent..then i just got a 6" vortex like you said running 450cfm approx. Now for the exhaust fan im still having trouble which one toget


Well-Known Member
what you mean which one to get man....the 6 inch inline will be more than enough as its attached to the light to also pull some air out...but i forgot dont you have the one with the glass cover?!
anyways you can probablly just use the can filter combo to get air out of the tent but you should have a negative pressure built up with the inline fan thus taking air in from all the vent spacing ya know man and then jsut add a regular fan into the tent.
hope that helped if not post agian and ill try to help


Active Member
yeah the plastic cover thing can come off and i dont need to use it. Is it worth it tho? it says its just to isolate the heat but wouldnt it be more beneficial to have the plastic off? Also the gettin confused now with where to place the Vortex fan, is it attached to the reflector say i attach the Vortex on the right side of the Reflector it should drag the cool air from outside through ducting onto the lamp and then out through the vortex fan to the outside? so its also like an exhaust? and the top back hole just for the carbon filter. So i shouldnt need an exhaust fan..ill be using a 5X5 walk in closet area


Well-Known Member
keep that cover on the reflector on, HUGE difference when you suck out the hot air, with that going you will not be disturbing the air in your space thus you can enrich what ever small amount of CO2 when you garden...remember to talk to your plants, when you exhale you release enough co2 for up to a small closet setup and the best benefit is you can keep your lamp MUCH closer to your lil girl, i use the $25 6inch duct fans from HTG cheap and they do 160 cfm and you can add one to your reflector with a small piece of ducting, and you can add a small one bringing in fresh air from outside...i am using that technique in my bloom booth, by all means use that hood's enclosure, most people arent lucky or cant afford to get a decent one, my 400HPS makes a small space close to 100deg. and my 1000w hps has the air cooled reflector and its at 84degrees at 8 inches away....big difference right?


Well-Known Member
i am not sure what other people do, but mine goes like this and it seems perfect...try to stay with me......duct from outside fresh air source(in my case a sealed off window) To one end of HOOD, Then i added a 6inch Piece of ducting and attatched the Duct fan to that, then at the end of the Duct Fan i have a 4foot Piece of ducting blowing the hot air out, works great bro, this is my first time using a cooled hood and its the is said you can bring the lamp to 6 inches from your canopy and not hurt anything....i can touch the glass and leave my hand on top of the hood without getting burnt


Active Member
damn big difference. What if i had a Vortex 6" 450CFM? and How would i start by attaching it to what? should i have it at the bottom of the growtent DR150 and have it blow into 2 seperate ducting tubes, one to the lamp and one just on the floor blowing fresh air in?

or should i strap that bad boy straight to the lamp and just run it straight through? and since it has the protective plastic thing on isolating the hot air..the smell wont go out of the Darkroom tent since the air is traveling fast and no pressure lost in the tent right?


Active Member
oh i got it.. goes Ducting in my case from the A/c vent.about 5 feet to the Grow room then 3 feet to the Hood..then on the other side attach the fan and from that side the ducting runs back out the room taking in all the hot air while the A/c air will gentle flow onto it?..+ the fan will suck air from outside aswell right since its a powerful fan?


Well-Known Member
yes indeed, if you think about it, its a straight run, just think of not letting whatever air from your tent get into the the bottom of the tent you should put a fan or duct fan for fresh air....keep in mind if you dont have a large tent you dont need a big expensive fan, they run hundreds of dollars...whats your space size? when trying to calculate fan CFM's take what the fans cfm rating(160 for example) and multiply by 5(since you wanna clear it out in 5 minutes) and then calculate your cubic feet, lenghtxwidhtxheight, so if your tent is say 4'x6'x6' you would have144 cubic feet...a fan with 160cfm is good for 5 of those tents ya dig?


Active Member
oh i see, So do you think the vortex 6"450 is too much too just cool the light?..thinkinkin of just using that to pull the air from the A/c through the ducting and then hot air out the tent. its a 5x5x7 so 175 cubic foot tent pretty much, so i would just need a smaller fan for the bottom corner?


Well-Known Member
ok so your feeding your tent air from an A/c... why not just try to pull out the hot air from the reflector without using the ac air and check the temp, you just may not need to even bring ac air in at all, remember you wont need that cold air to cool the HOOD, just a free passage of air flow from one end to the other, now if your tent gets too hot, say above 85 and your Not planning on using co2 which with a tent you wont need to, then try to bring in the AC air as your fresh air supply and keep a close eye on your low temps, my gut tells me you wont even need the ac


Well-Known Member
oh i see, So do you think the vortex 6"450 is too much too just cool the light?..thinkinkin of just using that to pull the air from the A/c through the ducting and then hot air out the tent. its a 5x5x7 so 175 cubic foot tent pretty much, so i would just need a smaller fan for the bottom corner?
i would say that vortex is specifically designed for larger setups and/or combined with use of a carbon filter, that 450cfm might suck the bulb outta your reflector! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
so the best ( i have 114 cubic square feet for my grow tent) would be one 170CFM inline fan connected to a carbon filter at the top as my exhaust, and a smaller maybe around 80CFM at the bottom as my intake to bring in the air, cause i dont want my intake fan any where near as strong as my exhaust cause that will cause a disrupt in pressure?


Well-Known Member
so the best ( i have 114 cubic square feet for my grow tent) would be one 170CFM inline fan connected to a carbon filter at the top as my exhaust, and a smaller maybe around 80CFM at the bottom as my intake to bring in the air, cause i dont want my intake fan any where near as strong as my exhaust cause that will cause a disrupt in pressure?
it is much wiser to use a centerfugal inline fan that has much power in combination with a carbon fan simply cus it will require more power to pull odor particles through all that packed powder, thats where you would want a high cfm fan, Odor control, ducted intake/outake you can go with a modest Duct fan, solid cfm's and even more solid price, you can use an extra to boost your flow if you like if u need a long distance for pressure your always going to have some kinda pressure disfunction going... as long as you calculate your cfms with cubic ft you should have a problem


Well-Known Member
almost forgot, whoever you get your CARBON FILTER FROM, Mkae SURE YOU get the proper fan, need a fan and filter that match up well cfm wise...this is critical for odor control


Active Member
since the vortex is pushing so much air,should i just use it to bring air from outside my grow tent to the inside and directing air to 2 different corners of the room or is that just a waste of time? or could i use it to bring in fresh air to cool the light and also distribute air throughout the grow room?


Well-Known Member
nah, just use the vortex to get the heat outa your reflector, you can always just open the tent a couple times a day for fresh air, your main concern would be heat, then fresh air then odor removal, sucking the heat out of the lamp you can bring that lamp real close to your canopy thus shortening the length between internodes, reducing stretch, and if your really concerned about having fresh air intake automated, you can go to lowes or home depot(like i did) and get an $11 bathroom exhaust fan, (they are square that you would normally put in the wall) but cheap inline duct fans work well, you can take a look at for those fans. please keep in mind your strongest fan should be used for your carbon filter, but as i said before its up to you...i just recently learned about air cooled hoods myself, i didnt fully understand what should go where until i got everything up and going and tried a few different ways, if you look around this site you will find many setups using the simple duct fans for heat exxtraction and the larger more expensive can fans used in conjunction with carbon dont need high cfms for the heat extraction from hood. now lets say you had a traditional hood like my first one, it was a bat wing design with the bulb exposed, major heat is emitted, at that point you would want to use a strong fan to clear the whole room. with the technique you have in mind its like using a sledge hammer to hit a small nail