Help finding a bong


Well-Known Member
does anyone know a site that carries the brand name elevate bongs? i've searched and came up empty handed.


Active Member
ive done a ass load of research and just cant find a simple water bong. im looking for one like this
View attachment 1435103
i found this on the net and its perfect....but it has a fucking carb hole:(
also im not trying to break my wallet with this
Dude what country are you in, im in Australia and we bong shops in every town, what is so hard about finding a bong????


Well-Known Member
i found a retail shop in dallas that sells elevate products but the selection is small, they don't have what i'm looking for, very expensive, and when i asked them about ordering they acted like they didn't have the time of day for me. so i don't think elevate is out of business.

Sorry about that.....I find mention on another forum site that they are out of business?