Help!!! Fire Inspections


Active Member
Fire inspectors came to my apartment to check the sprinklers and almost found my 3, 3 week old plants i have under cfl's in my closet. Luckily my roomate talked them out of going into the closet, but they might come back. I live in California, does anybody know what would have happened if they found them? Also any ideas on what I should do?


Well-Known Member
probably not much in Ca. Im sure they see many a grow op. why dont you get a medical card and free to grow a shitload?


Well-Known Member
When they knock on the door, just move your three plants into the shower or behind the couch. It's not rocket science. They wont come in without someone home.


Active Member
well, i used to work for a fire protection company over on the east coast. ive done some inspections, and they are usually looking for broken sprinkler heads or damaged heads. The best thing you could do would be to tell them that u dont want anyone in ur closet, and if there is a head in there just tell them that its ok, and that the head looks fine, no leaks or rust stains. If they say they need to look in there or need to get in there. lol, tell them you would like to move a few things before you have them enter. or just lock it. if its locked they cant do anything. they will prolly ask " is there a head in there" and if so just say no. lol. but yet again, i dont know the Fire codes for where you live.

Is there a head in the closet?


Active Member
yes there is, I just tunred off the lights and covered the plants until I can figure out if they are coming back. Does anyone know how long i can leave 3 week old plants in the dark before it will be too much stress?