Help First aero grow white widow lots of pics


i just wanted some guidance from experience growers this is what is being used

aerogarden (newest Model)
lights are 26w 1580 lumens each 3 bulbs
2 side desk lamps with 26w and 6400k
gernealhyroponics nuts ph water that i boiled and let cool down over night
plant is now 10 inches in hight and switch from 20/4 to 12/12 about 5 days ago.
bottom of the plant has about 3-4 leaves that are turning golden brown curling up and dying not sure why
i had the ph really low for 2 days about 2 weeks ago but then was corrected, should i just cut them off or
let them fall off on their own?? thanks for any feed back ...seeds are from green house 20130106_011224.jpg20130129_084006_resized.jpg20130129_083958_resized.jpg20130129_083947_resized.jpg20130119_125518_resized.jpg20130119_125511_resized.jpg20130119_125413_resized.jpg20130119_125406_resized.jpg20130113_013233_resized.jpg20130113_013224_resized.jpg20130113_013135_resized.jpg20130106_011746_resized.jpg20130106_011740_resized.jpg20130106_011735_resized.jpg20130106_011524_resized.jpg20130106_011336.jpg20130106_011238.jpg20130129_084017_resized.jpg


nice looking plant, I recently started 2 autos using the same model you have. looking forward to following your grow gl :)



Any idea about the leaves turning brown it looks like its spreading

May be nute burn do you have a ph tester? Try cutting back on the nutrients or emptying the reservoir and filling with Distilled water ph'd to 5.5 - 5.8 to see if it helps. The leaves that are yellowed will not change but your new growth should be healthy.

Are you boiling the water with the nutes in it or before you add them, it's a little hard to tell by your post?


No I bolied the water I let it cool for 24hrs then I ph the water. Then I put it in to the reservoir then I add the nutes i this every 2weeks and im putting 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of nutes .and my ph is at 5.0 I think I will raise it to 5.5now


Active Member
As far as health of the plant, its doing great. The bottom small leaves are no longer geting light therfore they are no longer needed. The yellowing of these leafs is also normal, u can take them off, i do. This is normall, as it grows more leaves will need to be trimed. looks very good. Good luck.



67 days in white widow the ppm is 400-700 ppm now i increased the bloom
all 4 lights are 2700k flowering started 2/8/13 about 20 days in and theres alot of bud sites 25inches tall
and its seems to be growing 1 inch almost every 1-2 days ...the room is open so when its time for bed i put a large black garbage bag over it to keep the light out i dont have a closet or box i can keep it so far its been working im on 12/12 for about a 6 weeks now no odors yet but when i rub my figers on the leaves my fingers are very sticky.....


wow she looks really good. I see you took the lid off the ag was it because she got too tall or not enough light

she must drink at least a gallon a day.
I am going to be using the same aero garden and GH nutes for my first grow with AK47 autoflower lowryder seeds. I am wondering what you did with the water at the beginning? Did you use distilled water as I have seen some do on this site? I see in one of your posts you boiled the water and let it cool overnight. Could you let me know the process you used? Thanks

Happy growing!


I found out that Poland spring water ph is already at 5.0-5.5 ph which is perfect . I took the cover off for 2 reasons when I started the 12/12 I had to change the lights to from 6500k to 2700k and the ag lights I found out are 6000k which won't work for flowering so I took the hood off and got some lighs from homedepot I stop using micro and grow and just been using bloom...I will add some micro and grow but very little like half a teaspoon ..and yes it's drinking a lot I put in a like 1-3 bottles of water every couple of days next time I'm not using the ag I'm going to get a bucket system I'm cheating my self with the aerogarden with a bigger pot I can get a 4 foot grow mayb 5 all I got is 2 feet on this one if I'm lucky ill get 1 0z well see I think igot 4 weeks left till harvest


I used the ag nutes for germination then bought gh because I found out that ag nuets suck but I heard and seen some people on these forums that used ag nuts and had success but It doesnt mean that the bud was good u guys got any pics u can post from ur trial grows


I used the ag nutes for germination then bought gh because I found out that ag nuets suck but I heard and seen some people on these forums that used ag nuts and had success but It doesnt mean that the bud was good u guys got any pics u can post from ur trial grows
I have been using gh nutes with FloraBlend since week 2, my girl is on day 32 and just started flowering but I think she's doing ok. I think the ag lights should be okay to flower with because they are supposed to be full spectrum to use for a full grow but I do believe supplemental lights are a benefit I have almost 160watts of 2700k cfls to help the ag lights.



Just check ur p.h on the water what's nice about the Poland spring is u don't have to maintain p.h so much it's automatically 5.5 ...also whatch ur ppm I found out I was under feeding that's why my grow was going so slow. Keep it around 500-700 and bloom time 900-1200