HELP!!! First time Female Medical Grower!!!! Anyone using virtual Sun 1000watt???


Active Member
I just purchased an Virtual Sun 1000watt HPS/MH digital ballast cool tube reflector, and I am wondering if the salesman sold me a quality light or did he take advantage of me being new to medical growing? I will be growing in soil setting up grow in garage. Anyone having good results with this light please respond...
Thanks to all!:leaf:


Active Member
I never actually heard of them before till now but I'm a noob. I went on there website and it they seem like a pretty good deal. I'd be curious to hear from some one who knows how good they too. What model did you get?


Well-Known Member
i havent had experience with that particular ballast but if it turns on should be fine lol. the difference is in how long they last for


Active Member
I agree with jd above.
If the light turns on and has a decent warranty (min 2 years for digitals) it should be fine.
The cooltube hood looks like it will do a good job for you.
A 1000W is good for a 25sq ft growing area. If growing in your garage, I would suggest partitioning off this sized space and lining it with either diamond Mylar or white paint/plastic. This will give you a more efficient grow than not enclosing the space.
Green mojo on its way. W