help! first time gorwing


hi its my first time growing and im wondering when i will be able to tell if they are male or female? whats the earliest stage that you can tell them at. Also i am doing low stress training and gorwing under my bed, so about how long will it take before i can start flowering?


Well-Known Member
I would wait 5-6 weeks before flowering, there you will find the sex of your baby. Within the first week or two
dude u can put them to flower now and see wich ones are girls then throw away the boys and put the moms to vegg again on 24 hrs cut clones and off and away u go


they are only like 2 inches high yet and only have the 3 pronged leafs yet, can i really flower them now and see? and if i do, would i just switch them to 12/12 for a week or two?


and i am growing under my bed with low stress training! research it. basically you just keep bending down the plant with a wire so it grows out and horizontal then vertical


Well-Known Member
and i am growing under my bed with low stress training! research it. basically you just keep bending down the plant with a wire so it grows out and horizontal then vertical
lol dude i kno about it probably more then u do lol:lol: but any wayz say u have 10 inches under ur bed and u start flowering wen it is 8 inches well wen it would finish it will be between 16 and 24 inches so u dont have enough space so u do research lol


my bad lol but wouldnt i just be able to keep bending down the plant so i could keep it in the space i have? and i have a good foot and a half under my bed haha, its up on a frame!


haha yes! this is my first time growing and im taking very good care of them lol also does it matter if i have a fan on them or not? right now i dont and they seem to be doing fine


yah trust me its my first time and i will be taking very good care, but does it mattter if i have a fan on them? i dont atm and they seem fine, also could i switch them to 12/12 now, and see what ones are males, or are they too small yet


so it doesnt really matter? you can get them to start flowering adn them change them back to veg?
if i just see what ones are males how long would it take to show and how long should i wait to actually flower and bud?


Well-Known Member
Female marijuana plant

Male marijuana plant

Marijuana plants are either male or female . The male Marijuana plants produce pollen which pollinates the flowers of the female Marijuana plant, which once pollenized, produce seeds . If the female Marijuana plant isn't pollenized (if there are no male Mariuana plants nearby producing pollen), the flower/buds continue to develop and produce THC. Female Marijuana plants which are not pollenized are referred to as sinsemilla (without seeds). Usually 30-50% of the Marijuana plants are male.
What's the Difference you ask?

Males are often, but not always, tall with stout stems , sporadic branching and few leaves. Males are usually harvested except those used for breeding, after their sex has been determined, but before the pollen is shed. When harvesting, especially if close to females, cut the Marijuana plant off at the base, taking care to shake the male as little as possible. This helps prevent any accidental pollination by an unnoticed, open male flower.
When a male enters the stage of flower development, the tips of the branches where a bud would develop will start to grow what looks like a little bud (little balls) but it will have no white hairs coming out of it. Females will have no balls and will have small white hairs. >> Read More about Male marijuana plants
Cannabis in temperate climates begin to show his sexual identity by the end of July (end of January in the southern hemisphere) in different dates according to the varieties, Marijuana being the resinous flower of female cannabis plants intended for seed production, in absence of pollen buds turns out pure sensimilla weed and is gentle and sweet to smoke.
It is very important to get rid of male plants on time, as they are unwanted pollen carriers. By the early flowering stage male cannabis, if compared to female's, shows quite a different structure but the characteristic excrescencies would be the sex indicator this are called primordia and will emerge by the side of the third or fourth internodes in the main stem.
Female cannabis are completely revealed when the characteristic "V" shaped pistils become visible, all this to a close observation. Outdoors males will uncover themselvesapproximately three weeks before the females, indoors sexing of both males and females happens within a week to ten days according to the variety.
We've heard of urban legends about environmental conditions, age of seeds, added chemicals and even lunar stages having an influence on sexual differentiation of Cannabis; you might take note of those suggestions as personal communications, but a good handbook or an internet surf works the best if you lack in experience when sexing.
For more pictures of male and female marijuana plants visit our Marijuana Picture Gallery

What is a Hermaphrodite plant?

An hermaphrodite, or hermie, is a Marijuana plant of one sex that develops the sexual organs of the other sex. Most commonly, a flowering female Marijuana plant will develop staminate flowers, though the reverse is also true. Primarily male hermaphrodites are not as well recognized only because few growers let their males reach a point of flowering where the pistillate would be expressed.
Hermaphrodites are generally viewed with disfavor. First, they will release pollen and ruin a sinsemelia crop, pollinating themselves and all of the other females in the room. Second, the resulting seeds are worthless, because hermaphrodite parents tend to pass on the tendency to their offspring.

Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female Marijuana plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.

Here's an image of a hermaphrodite, specifically a female Marijuana plant with staminate flowers.


so a hermi plant is really a female that will produce pollen and ruin your crop? and even if the buds have seeds in them, you can still smoke the bud and get high cant you?