Help? First time grower. My setup


Active Member
Here is a new update. I wanted to know if these lights are better than the ones I have now.

100 WATT
Type G Lamps
Input Rating - 120 V, AC 7A
Heres a pic:

And my new setup:



Well-Known Member
with those two bulbs your putting out what over 7 26-watt 5600k cfl's would use in electricity. its less than ten for 2. they are like 12-13 for 4. and your plants will actually grow healthy. trust me, they might look ok now but if you keep them under those lights they will be skinny with no buds.

Northern Rites

Active Member
No, he's saying that the ones from your bathroom aren't generally used for growing. They seem to be incandescent light bulbs which are pretty standard and what i imagine to be in your bathroom and your pictures. The least expensive way to have a successful veg is to buy CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Bulbs), socket splitters, socket adapters and extension cords/ power strips.

CFLs are more efficient in their energy usage per light output and will be better for your vegging plants. The are inexpensive and could be found at walmart, home depot, k mart, target, what have you. A good way to avoid the investment in light fixtures for these cheap bulbs is to make cheap fixtures yourselves by purchasing the adapters which connect the bulb and an electric socket.


Well-Known Member
No, he's saying that the ones from your bathroom aren't generally used for growing. They seem to be incandescent light bulbs which are pretty standard and what i imagine to be in your bathroom and your pictures. The least expensive way to have a successful veg is to buy CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Bulbs), socket splitters, socket adapters and extension cords/ power strips.

CFLs are more efficient in their energy usage per light output and will be better for your vegging plants. The are inexpensive and could be found at walmart, home depot, k mart, target, what have you. A good way to avoid the investment in light fixtures for these cheap bulbs is to make cheap fixtures yourselves by purchasing the adapters which connect the bulb and an electric socket.
haha i have sooo many wires. i have such a firehazard


Well-Known Member
Oh okay... Thanks a lot. So if i have about 20 - 30 dollars. What should i buy?
buy the 6 bulb thing thats in ur bathroom at lowes for 15 and fill it with cfls. clamp lights are extremely convenient also but 7 or 8 a piece so they are more expensive. but seriously i already looked at the ones at lowes and they are 15 or 16 and you could put 6 bulbs in it


Well-Known Member
Right now Wal-Mart has 4, 23 watt CFL bulbs for 6 bucks. You spend 15 bucks and get yourself 8 CFL bulbs at 184 watts and that thing will grow and bud Very nicely. Dont get anymore regular standard Bulbs, they arn't gonna do shit for your plant but hurt it in the long run


Well-Known Member
guess you didnt go and get the cfl's huh? Go and buy the right bulbs and try and save em shit man they have no light to make food thats why they died.


Well-Known Member
I officially Give up Helping you... Sorry not being a Dickhead but if you would have listend to me and Sittinherebored 4 days ago this plant would be growing large and smelling good. Now you have a dead plant.. Congrates