Help! First Time Indoor Thai Skunk


Active Member
Its been about 2 weeks and my plants don't seem to be growing very fast. I know 2 weeks isn't a long time but seems like people are posting pictures of good size plants after like 3 weeks or so. I must be doing something wrong. Here's what I got: 4 plants total, in my closet, pots are 4-gallon each, 2 4-foot long flourescent grow bulbs. I just lowered the bulbs to about 3 inches from the plants today. They were like 12 inches or so away. The plants are still tiny, like 3 or 4 inches tall and the leaves are not that big. What should I do or am I just being impatient?


Active Member
here, I found a pic from weedsthatplease which looks my plant....on the left side of this pic is what my plants still look like after 2 weeks..

I started out in a 16oz plastic cup just like that picture and then transplanted after about 1 week into the 4 I need to add something to the soil or change my conditions?



Well-Known Member
if the stem is not to long and it is green you are good for now. Don't use any nutes yet. Just water when needed. I should be fine