HELP: Flower Experts


Well-Known Member
do this...

unless your running your HPS and MH at the same time, only use ur HPS light. as far as the lights being to close to the buds, put ur hand over the top of the bud and if ur hand is uncomfortable (slightly burning) so is ur buds. move the light until your hand is comfortable.

good luck dude, looks like ur doing really good.

read that link i gave u about lighting, you will learn all u need to know.
:leaf: Purpz


Well-Known Member
cool man thanks! I have put some serious time into this first run, and I think it will be PRIMO shizzo. I just need to figure what technique to cure. I might as well take the long route and cure for an entire month like most aged growers recommended. But I will try a couple different methods to see which is best.

What I think I'll do I drain nutes tonight just before lights come on, then flush my system with some tap water, then refill with RO 5.8 straight H20.

After the purple ripen I will ramp nutes back to about 1350 for a couple days to before flushing the system once again and flushing the Jah for her last 1.5 - 2 weeks with Clearex or molases and H20.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
If i were you i would just let the 8 week strain go a couple weeks past, you'll probably find that there is no harm in doing this and that the flavor (terpenoids) is enhanced a fair bit. That would solve your flushing dilemma and also ensure a completely finished bud. If theres one thing i can say, it would be its much better to harvest 2 weeks "late" than one week early.
Not to mention alot of "8 week" strains are only really ready commercially at 8 weeks.
Also i will warn you not to waste your time with a water cure, it leaves the bud tasteless and dark. not what i call appealing marijuana. There is a reason old timers do things the way they do, because its the best way. Take your time and you will be rewarded.


Well-Known Member
SpruceZeus , thanks!

If i were you i would just let the 8 week strain go a couple weeks past,
I like the sound of that. Supposedly one will finish in 8 weeks an one in 10 weeks. Now, I am counting the first 10 days when I switched the lights to 12/12.

Is that correct, or should I not count that 10 days before i saw genitalia?

I have read that if I over-ripen I might have a very "couchy" and lazy high. Does that happen in a 2 weeks period, or is that referring to weeks and weeks of over-ripening?

Is there a way to slow ripening? what if I bend the stalk a bit? Will that add 2 weeks of shock to even them out and let resin soak in?


Well-Known Member
SpruceZeus , thanks!

I like the sound of that. Supposedly one will finish in 8 weeks an one in 10 weeks. Now, I am counting the first 10 days when I switched the lights to 12/12.

Is that correct, or should I not count that 10 days before i saw genitalia?

I have read that if I over-ripen I might have a very "couchy" and lazy high. Does that happen in a 2 weeks period, or is that referring to weeks and weeks of over-ripening?

Is there a way to slow ripening? what if I bend the stalk a bit? Will that add 2 weeks of shock to even them out and let resin soak in?
Well, breeders tend to say that its x amount of weeks from when they show flowers, so i would imagine that is the case for yours. But in either case, this is just a rough guide, there are too many variables to say with precision when the dope is "ripe". The best way to know when your dope is ready is to look, most go by the colour of the trichomes ideally looking for them to have turned about 5-95% amber (depending who you ask) I like to take a simpler approach. Does the dope look done? The buds should be swolen and pretty firm if you squeeze them, the crystals should be standing on end with swolen, bulbous, muchroom-cap looking tops. Dope that is a little over-ripe will have lots of broken looking trics and be pretty amber\orange tinged throughout.
Now many may disagree, but i'm of the school of thought that unless you are going WAY past ripe that later harvests almost inevitably result in better dope. In my experience the "stonier" high from going longer is kind of an old wives tale. Sure if you harvest way early you'll not be a burnt out from your dope, but at the cost of much THC that is still in its precursor form CBD, it takes time for the enzymes to break it down into the good stuff. Only after a looong time when the THC breaks down into CBN will this really change the phychoactive properties.
Now, on to flushing. This is a huge area of contention among growers. I was always taught to flush for 1 or 2 weeks before chopping time so that is the way i do it. However i have heard many reputable growers say that with a good long cure (which in my opinion is as important as any other stage of marijuana production) it makes no difference to the final taste of the dope. After trying a side by side, i have to say i agree, there is no noticeable difference in between weed thats been flushed and stuff fed up to the day of harvest. In any event, there is no discernable difference so why waste the nutes, especially when you've got all sorts of expensive carb suppliments and bloom boosters. As with most things in this wonderful pasttime, you're going to have to use your best judgement, theres too many conflicting stories to take anything as gospel. Try things out and see what works for you, all i can do is tell you what works for me, others may agree or disagree, but at the end of the day, i have a huge jar full of tasty dope to smoke, so i cant be doing too badly.
Anyhow, sorry for the ramble, good luck with whatever choices you make.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well, breeders tend to say that its x amount of weeks from when they show flowers, so i would imagine that is the case for yours. But in either case, this is just a rough guide, there are too many variables to say with precision when the dope is "ripe". The best way to know when your dope is ready is to look, most go by the colour of the trichomes ideally looking for them to have turned about 5-95% amber (depending who you ask) I like to take a simpler approach. Does the dope look done? The buds should be swolen and pretty firm if you squeeze them, the crystals should be standing on end with swolen, bulbous, muchroom-cap looking tops. Dope that is a little over-ripe will have lots of broken looking trics and be pretty amber\orange tinged throughout.
Now many may disagree, but i'm of the school of thought that unless you are going WAY past ripe that later harvests almost inevitably result in better dope. In my experience the "stonier" high from going longer is kind of an old wives tale. Sure if you harvest way early you'll not be a burnt out from your dope, but at the cost of much THC that is still in its precursor form CBD, it takes time for the enzymes to break it down into the good stuff. Only after a looong time when the THC breaks down into CBN will this really change the phychoactive properties.
Now, on to flushing. This is a huge area of contention among growers. I was always taught to flush for 1 or 2 weeks before chopping time so that is the way i do it. However i have heard many reputable growers say that with a good long cure (which in my opinion is as important as any other stage of marijuana production) it makes no difference to the final taste of the dope. After trying a side by side, i have to say i agree, there is no noticeable difference in between weed thats been flushed and stuff fed up to the day of harvest. In any event, there is no discernable difference so why waste the nutes, especially when you've got all sorts of expensive carb suppliments and bloom boosters. As with most things in this wonderful pasttime, you're going to have to use your best judgement, theres too many conflicting stories to take anything as gospel. Try things out and see what works for you, all i can do is tell you what works for me, others may agree or disagree, but at the end of the day, i have a huge jar full of tasty dope to smoke, so i cant be doing too badly.
Anyhow, sorry for the ramble, good luck with whatever choices you make.:bigjoint:
That's not rambling, that is exactly the information I am hoping to hear. I realize that a lot of people want to give advice, which is great, but we all have to discern what to leave and what to take from that. I think hearing expert testimony about a side-by-side comparison is invaluable and much appreciated.

I am still worried about starting my flush too early but I will do it tonight for sure.

Is it better to do nute changes when light are on of off?

How much water should I flush through system, and should I flush with PH'ed RO or PH'ed tap water?

I'm doing it tonight for sure, but will not get Clearex until next week. no worries...


Well-Known Member
Also, I can agree that Old Timers have experience on their side, there are many old timers who don't believe growing under lights or in anything but soil is acceptable either.

What is cool is that with all the new technology, there comes new techniques and new theories and new solutions.


Well-Known Member
Got my Flora Kleen via delivery today.

I have been flushing with just water for 2 days.
When is the suggested time to add Flora Kleen?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Well, breeders tend to say that its x amount of weeks from when they show flowers, so i would imagine that is the case for yours. But in either case, this is just a rough guide, there are too many variables to say with precision when the dope is "ripe". The best way to know when your dope is ready is to look, most go by the colour of the trichomes ideally looking for them to have turned about 5-95% amber (depending who you ask) I like to take a simpler approach. Does the dope look done? The buds should be swolen and pretty firm if you squeeze them, the crystals should be standing on end with swolen, bulbous, muchroom-cap looking tops. Dope that is a little over-ripe will have lots of broken looking trics and be pretty amber\orange tinged throughout.
Now many may disagree, but i'm of the school of thought that unless you are going WAY past ripe that later harvests almost inevitably result in better dope. In my experience the "stonier" high from going longer is kind of an old wives tale. Sure if you harvest way early you'll not be a burnt out from your dope, but at the cost of much THC that is still in its precursor form CBD, it takes time for the enzymes to break it down into the good stuff. Only after a looong time when the THC breaks down into CBN will this really change the phychoactive properties.
Now, on to flushing. This is a huge area of contention among growers. I was always taught to flush for 1 or 2 weeks before chopping time so that is the way i do it. However i have heard many reputable growers say that with a good long cure (which in my opinion is as important as any other stage of marijuana production) it makes no difference to the final taste of the dope. After trying a side by side, i have to say i agree, there is no noticeable difference in between weed thats been flushed and stuff fed up to the day of harvest. In any event, there is no discernable difference so why waste the nutes, especially when you've got all sorts of expensive carb suppliments and bloom boosters. As with most things in this wonderful pasttime, you're going to have to use your best judgement, theres too many conflicting stories to take anything as gospel. Try things out and see what works for you, all i can do is tell you what works for me, others may agree or disagree, but at the end of the day, i have a huge jar full of tasty dope to smoke, so i cant be doing too badly.
Anyhow, sorry for the ramble, good luck with whatever choices you make.:bigjoint:
hell ya Zeus.....thats great input for the guy.....good grow karma for you.