Help-flowering-ex-healthy Og Sage turned pale..


Left the site for 1.5 days and came back and witnessed burns on top colas. Temp was at 90, record high so far... and bottom leaves seem sick and pale. any comments are welcome, thanks.

I used floranova bloom, liquid koolbloom, floralicious sweet, and floralicious plus.
PPM 1.5 days ago was about 1350 or so... First time feeding liquid koolbloom..
Is it defficiency? or heat and O2 circulation problem?..
I thought floranova bloom has a little bit of everything.. any help appreciated, thanks.View attachment 1427456View attachment 1427457IMAG0153.jpgView attachment 1427459IMAG0156.jpgView attachment 1427461View attachment 1427462View attachment 1427463
just transplanted a day ago from complete cycle soil to organic soil..