HELP!!!! Flowering Female has BALLS!!!


Active Member

I have four plants which are all about 3 weeks into flowering. They all have nice budding growth BUT one has just NOW shown signs of balls??????? WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!! ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
That sucks man, I just had the same problem. I just isolated it and im gonna grow it til its mature. You can do something like that or chop it and make some hash or butter if you got enough buds on it


Active Member
even using em seeds i have found a FEW sacs. cut them off WITH SCISSORS!!!!!!!!!!!! my rule of thumb sis if find more than 15 cut it down it is a hermaphrodite. it will stay small and not owrth it. if it has balls and stops growing, cut it down. NOT wqorth it


New Member
How careful do you have to be when you isolate the plant? It just seems like it would be so easy to get a little pollen on your hands or shirt and accidently pollenate some of the good crop? In nature doesn't the pollen travel pretty far?


Well-Known Member
thats why i dont buy fem seeds. Because they have a huge risk rate of turning hermie.

either that or your freaking out over some calyx's that haven't developed yet. Give it some time...