Help Foam WTF is going on!!


So we washed our second res with some dish washer, cleaned it and dried it with towel. Added some molasses for the first time and put our flowering baby in it. Few hours later I am seeing foam floating in the res a lot of it. Is this a normal reaction when putting in molasses??

If it is the soap left over, what is the correct fix apart from changing the res water and cleaning it again. Do I need to do anything with the roots?

The tips of my leaves do look a little like nute burn has white tips but very little, i'm not sure if this is from before or now.

Please help !!

pics below...

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I used 5 table spoons for my 5 gal water, i'm using a bubbler so it could have been too much molasses? just changed water again with a new res and this time it doesn't seem to have as much bubble but still some.


Well-Known Member
You should never clean your rez with soap. Use a 10% bleach to water solution scrub the shit out of it and rinse it like 5 times. It kills everything! Good luck!


Flowering in week 3, res smells like pond water and I found out that the 1-2 tblspoon per gallon crap is for soil not hydro. I have now reduced it to 1 tblspoon boiled then mixed with 5 gal water and half my usual nutes. Hopefully it will not die from having been in that crap for 2 days... :(


according to my friend who has had success with it and many others on here that do use it I decided to try it myself, not knowing that the amount I used was for soil and not hydro. Lesson learned however I am still using 1 tbl spoon to 5 gallon and hope that it helps, if my plant starts to show sign of problems by the next day or two I will clean out the res, wash my roots and then add just H20 and regular nutes.


Well-Known Member
I use a sterilizer for home brew beer to clean all my equipment, I figure it's safe and i've never had a problem.


Active Member
its your type of airstone. im in the baitfish business and diff type of stone produce foam which just lays on top of the water and interferes with the o2 in the water. your water will be come less oxygenated.