Help for a New Beginner


New Member
Cheer, I'm very new to this and would tremendously benefit from input from the more experienced/knowledgeable:
I'd like to grow a single plant from a single seed here in my bedroom.
Can anyone please suggest to me a good light to use that would be best to produce a nice plant for me?
Also, is it a general rule of thumb to keep the light approx. 4 inches above the plant at all times? How many hours of light should I provide to the plant?
Would the intensity and duration of the light provided fluctuate as the plant grows?
In a nutshell how am I to successfully establish a I nice successful plant?
Thanks in advance! All I want is a nice successful plant. What will I need and need to do?


Weed Modifier
I started my plant with a fluorescent light. .. Or cfls work too.
Depending on light, will determine how close they can be without harming them.
Plants in veg need at least 18 hrs of light/day and flowering plants need 12 hrs of light/day.

I have a thread called "Grow Video's"...which goes over all the basics...if you like?

look in newbie section at the sticky threads and you will see it on the first page of threads.


Well-Known Member
T5 fluorescent lighting would be your best choice, low on heat and elect, naturally as the plant gets taller, the lower branches will suffer a bit so it's best to start bending (tie) them down, pick a plant that grows short such as indicas or hybrids, lighting is best at 18 hrs for veg, 12 hrs for flowering, best of luck,


New Member
Thanks everyone for the repsonses. Lime73 I can't seem to find the proper link for the videos in the sticky sections
As far as a T5 Fluorescent light goes, how much above should I keep it over the plant and which one would be the best on the market and would it be better than a LED? thanks again!


New Member
Thanks! Just out of curiosity Lime73, based on your preference what type of grow medium/soil do you use and how much of what type of fertilizer do you use? Just figured id ask you since you seem like you've been around ! Thanks !


Weed Modifier
I use expanding peat pellets for my seedlings ...soon as I see roots( about a week) I transplant to miracle grow soil.
Which doesn't need food for a few weeks...just water.


New Member
Thanks for the information know based on many videos I've seen, it is suggested as a new beginner to use soilless soil---soil medium that is nutrientless and then to just use your own nutrients....but in all honesty id rather use a soil that has nutrients already to make things simple on my behalf so I don't have to add the nutrients. I'm guessing that a few weeks before havesting, all the nutrients are used up and the watering you provide just flushes through which is what it is recommended to do so the chemicals are flushed through? Do you ever end up adding nutrients after the few weeks that just watering is needed?


Well-Known Member
As far as how high above the plant for T5, I usually try to stay 3 to 4 inches, seems to work ok, they tend to grow fast so you have to keep an eye on them.


New Member
DeeTee may I ask you what type of growth medium you use and what type of fertizler/nutrients you use.....same questions go out to anyone else whod like to pitch in. thanks!