Help for first grow room


Need some help to set up my first grow.

I am an experienced greenhouse grower…….. of vegetables

Now I want to be an experienced weed grower!

My basic idea is the following:

Bloom space: 3’ x 3’
Keep a number of motherplants to take cuttings.
Harvest every 8 weeks
Clones directly to 12/12 after rooting – no vegging
Flood & drain
LED light

The big problem is the height of the room.
In the tall end is measures 120 cm and in the low end 70 cm
The bloomspace lowest height is 90 cm (3’) so this is max height all incl.


  • Do I have too less height to make this possible
  • How many plants should I go for? 20-25?
  • The motherplants needs to be in the low (70-80cm) height of the room – can I keep them that small?
  • Could I drop the motherplants and take cuttings from the bloom room instead?
  • How many times can you take a clone from a clone (read somewhere that after 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] generation you need to go back to seed).
You should be fine with the height you have, but I would recommend doing a SCROG or supercropping with that height. If you do a sea of green, the plants grow straight up and you'll have to use a very short strain, like autos or a really short indica or something.
If it were me, I would have one or two big plants in 42gal tubs in the mother room and have as many autos as I could fit around them. I would supercrop and scrog the big ones to keep them at the perfect height through veg and flower. You can have your 2 big ones to give you those massive harvests while the autos in the veg room keep your head stash heavy.


Here is a drawing of the planned grow room. I might try to find a way to move the reservoir somewhere else to gain some heigth for grow.


I think you have a pretty nice setup, but you're kind of limited to small plants. Ruderalis or autoflowering strains ususlly only grow about 3 feet tall. What are the dimensions of the veg room?


I was actually thinking of something like LSD, White Widow or Bubblegum. How tall will they be if I dont veg them, but go directly to 12/12 after rooting?


The veg room is on the right of the drawing. (Haven't drawn the wall between veg and flower.....) But I was thinking that I could drop vegging and just root the clones for one or two weeks and then move them to bloom. Will save the light need of the veg room, unless I will have to use mother plants, and keep them as small as possible.
I did that this year with a couple of Tangerine Dream. One was 10 inches and gave me about 15 grams dried, the other was about 16 inches and gave me an oz. The small one was left to grow straight up, the taller one was FIMed after the 6th leaf set giving me a lot of branches and much more bud. I can imagine you'll probably get quite a bit off 20 of those. Let me know it goes. Is this your first cannabis grow?


What about taking clones from clones ........ If I don't veg, will it be realistic to take clones from the bloom room? Then I don't need a fancy veg room.


Active Member
What about taking clones from clones ........ If I don't veg, will it be realistic to take clones from the bloom room? Then I don't need a fancy veg room.
Thats how I do it but it can take a while for the clones to switch back to veg, 3-5 weeks from cutting. These are called super clones and when they do turn back to veg...... POW they go nuts.


Thats how I do it but it can take a while for the clones to switch back to veg, 3-5 weeks from cutting. These are called super clones and when they do turn back to veg...... POW they go nuts.
Can you keep on taking clones from next generation and next..... or will I have to start from seed again on a certain point?


Active Member
Can you keep on taking clones from next generation and next..... or will I have to start from seed again on a certain point?
I have been using the same strain and system for 9 months and no problems yet. I have a 2 weekly perpetual grow. Thats not to say that your genetics may take a turn and ya need to start again.