HELP! from an expert would be nice.

you are looking good, The pot you have it in is kind of large for such a young plant. The plant is establishing its root system now, consentrating on root growth rather than foliage growth. Thats why people generally start out their young ones in dixie cups or other small containers and transplant several times befor the final pot. I know its frustrating watching them grow slowly, but on the good side C-99 is an excellent choice for a sativa grow. I've grown it for several years and been very happy with its easy care and good yeild.

Whats the point of repotting if you dont need the space. Starting from a large container will give the roots freedom to grow wihout hitting the sides or bottom. More natural.
Whats the point of repotting if you dont need the space. Starting from a large container will give the roots freedom to grow wihout hitting the sides or bottom. More natural.

to each their own on this subject, both methods work but have their downfalls.

i find that starting in a big container you get less vertical growth and more root growth untill the roots are well established, once they establish the plant grows crazy fast but can sometimes turn out lanky.

with sizing up containers i find that the plants take less time to start vertical growth but dont grow as much, they eventually get to the same place with periodic spurts every time you repot. i find this method gives a more "bushy" style plant.

of course there is always other factors involved so this is not always the case but it is my findings :)
It seems there's a bid lack of light and air + Co2 with your plant. Check your Ph (7 n 6 )...Cannabis is a very resilient plant once it picks up with root development. Always begin with a small pot, your plant at such size should been in 1 glln container. I used "LONG" and "NARROW" containers for great root development....keep that in mind!