Help/ fruit flies/ knats

I just noticed 2 or 3 of them lil shits around my plant.. I'm figuring where there's a few there's bound to be more soon. Is there any sort of safe poison or anything I could use? Ready to transplant from 1 gallon to 5 gal soon so is there anything I can spray the roots with or whatever during that process??


Well-Known Member
Neem oil can be sprayed or watered and is always handy to have in stock for other bugs. These fungus knats like moist soggy wet conditions so try and keep the plant and RH a bit drier. If it persists u may have to cover the top of the soil with perlite to form a barrier.
Neem oil can be sprayed or watered and is always handy to have in stock for other bugs. These fungus knats like moist soggy wet conditions so try and keep the plant and RH a bit drier. If it persists u may have to cover the top of the soil with perlite to form a barrier.
I need to use more pearlite when I transplant fer sure.. It's not draining well at all so I know that's how I got them. Should I use the neem oil before or after I transplant?


Well-Known Member
I would let them dry out - then wter with neem 1ml /litre. Also spray as there might be lice under the leaves and also the eggs. Then when it's dry again u can transplant. The perlite layer on the top is a barrier to stop the knats living in the soil, about 1 cm thick. Mix 20-25% perlite with soil fro drainage.


Active Member
mix dish soap with vinigar untill foamy in shallow dish place next to plants roting fruit (vinigar) atracts flys they get stuck and drown check it out this really works!!! tomorrow you will have dead flys in the dish other than that flyswaters work pretty good as well as fly strip nearby.


Active Member
Just let them dry out really good before transplant. They are so very typical to a grow. They thrive in wet, so do pack extra perolite in those 5 gal pots, this will help dry those larve out as they hatch. Dish soap, works well because its Not administered to the plant. It's an attractant. I've seen wicked burn even from neem oil some strains are fragile, some like alot of your ruderalis srains and hybrids, are super tough. and can handle alot of abuse.
I had these before and it ruined a grow basically the lil fuckers muched the shit out of my roots and i then decided to go hydro to eliminate the issues - if you can see 10 it means they have laid 100's of eggs in the soil with the larvae feasting on your roots - i tried a layer of sand but that did nothing :(