Help!! Germination to Sprout


Active Member
i think i may have got my seeds too hot..cause they have been in paper towels for two weeks and one is just barely out and the other might be an eighth of an inch long at best and they have just ben kinda dormant. any suggestions for more succesful germination?


Active Member
A 6 dollar heating pad CVS......A cup with water....seeds.....drawer...something black o cover cup....

I placed seeds in just a cup of water for 30hrs....over a heating pad on medium so it didnt get too hot...covered with a black hat in a CLOSED DRAWER....when i saw that they where just beging to pop out their root tip i planted and all have sprouted......

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I was having germing problems until i tried this method. I found that by using this method i get a 95-100% germ rate. I soak the seeds in distilled water for 12hrs. Then i get 2 pieces of paper towel and lay one on top of the other and then fold them into a square 3 times. Then i soak the paper towel with 5 cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide (H202) and then soak it the rest of the way with distilled water. Then i put the seeds into the paper towel and put them in a small ceramic bowel with a lid on in. Then i place the bowel on top of my satellite receiver and check them every 12hrs. They all crack and show root within 24hrs. When the roots get a little over a 1/4" , i plant them. Within 24-48 hrs they sprout. When i was not having very good grem rates i was soaking the seeds for 24-48 hrs. I was using a heating pad with the seeds in a damp wash cloth in a plastic bag left in a dark closet. The seeds would crack and show a small root but would not develop any further. I think it was because i was over soaking the seeds and the seedling heat mat was getting the seeds too hot and it would kill them. Now that i have changed my method i have 90- 100% success rate. The satellite receiver gives off just the right amount of heat for good germination.