Help get me and the misses out of a bind


New Member
Hello friends,

A lack of skill, experience, and foresight has gotten our grow into a jam.

My girl and I have been vegging four healthy indicas for about six weeks now. Our lease ends on June 12th and we will be harvesting on that day. We are long-time gardeners, but first time marijuana growers, and we wanted to have some fun and get a few nice buds to smoke.

We've been growing the plants in our room (this is a legal medical grow in CA) and we're ready to put them into flower.

Unfortunately, though, our room doesn't have an enclosed closet-- we share the room in which we hang out, talk, and do homework with our plants.

I just moved the babies into a 12/12 light cycle. Here's our problem, though: light leaks into the grow area during their dark photoperiod.

We have tried building a mylar tent around the plants but there is still light leaking in. It's not a ton, just one lightbulb on the other side of the room at night and some ambient daylight in the morning. From what I've read, though, this could be a major problem.

I'm worried the plants will never go into flower. Are my fears unfounded, or is it true that I need a solution to this problem? Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to seal the grow area off?

All thoughts and suggestions welcome. Thank you very much.



Global Moderator
Staff member
If you haven't gone into flower yet you are pressed for time.
8 week plants are more like 9+ from the switch to 12/12.
IMHO you could very likely be harvesting immature buds on that date.

Additionally, are you going to keep lights on up to moving date and then try and harvest & move on the same day ?
Sounds like a pain in the ass, but G/L.


Well-Known Member
They may go into flower but having light leaks could lead to your ladies turning hermie. Get yourself some panda plastic and a roll of duct tape. Like North said, you will probably have to harvest prematurely if you have just switched them, I hope that you have alot of head room for your plants, a 6 week veg is quite long, they are going to be some monster plants, don't forget that they will more than double in size during bud. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
If you can't provide a proper dark area for the 12 hr no light period your plants will be very stressed no matter what else happens one light bulb is way too much and any daylight at all will screw with things... And you cant really rush these plants to finish in your time frame... Sorry man


Well-Known Member
Just give em to some friends and or take them with you to new location? Or if you have an ample closet space you could toss them in there for your dark hours. It'll be a lot of moving around. That's if you're dead set on keeping em.
LordRalh pretty much hit the nail on the head though.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Try and match the 12/12 cycle to your actual day/night hours so there's less interruptions than if you had the light cycle on at night. I had problems with light leaks in my 4x4 grow tent. After several failed patch up jobs, I resorted to pinning/clamping dark sheets over the tent to impede light penetration. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need to buy a cheap grow tent. Small investment, you have no choice if you want proper flowering. If you do that you're timeframe is still 8-10 full weeks of flowering to get harvestable bud. You cant rush that part of the hobby, it's what you've worked for. You will still need to move your girls with you on your move date, so they can finish ripening. They will still need another 5-7 days to hang upside down in a dry room even after they are finally chopped, then cure them in glass jars.


New Member
Thank you for the great responses guys. I was a little unclear in my post, they have been on 12/12 for almost a week now. The guys at Harborside said they would take 8-9 weeks to go through flower; probably would have been smart to give an extra week of buffer but I guess we got greedy so that's what we get :lol:

So I won't expect a killer yield off of these plants. But that's fine, live and learn.

I'll go ahead and buy some panda plastic and look into the cost of a grow tent. The cheapest one I can see right now is about $80 on Amazon.

The light is very small, a 10w nightlight which happens to have a green glass lampshade (don't know if this makes any difference but I thought I might as well mention it.

I will also be changing the lighting schedule to match better with the daylight from the window. These are gonna be some stressed plants, and I might get some hermies, but so it goes. Next time I will know what I really need and make sure everything is in place before I start the grow.

Thanks again for the tips, if anyone has anything more please feel free to add. Especially tips on how to seal the grow area.

Peace all! Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
90 bucks for a 2x4x7 @

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Well-Known Member
Hello. Just thought I would let everyone know I have a little side by side grow going. No rules or anything, all in fun, wish I could give out prizes to the winner, but its against forum rules. Anyways I would like if everyone could join. I also added a side bonus. Lets see who can get those 3 ounce monster cola's or more ;) 3 ounce contest thread ->

side by side thread -->


Well-Known Member
I read that you have a green lampshade. Have you considered replacing the bulb with a green bulb? Green light is the least effective light for plants. If you used a green nightlight, the effects of the leaked light would be minimal if any. Also, as Freda mentioned, get your light synced with the night/day as best you can.
Something to consider, and certainly cheaper than buying a tent.


Well-Known Member
who me :confused: I do use a green spectrums for veg. lol
I read that you have a green lampshade. Have you considered replacing the bulb with a green bulb? Green light is the least effective light for plants. If you used a green nightlight, the effects of the leaked light would be minimal if any. Also, as Freda mentioned, get your light synced with the night/day as best you can.
Something to consider, and certainly cheaper than buying a tent.


Well-Known Member
The light is very small, a 10w nightlight which happens to have a green glass lampshade (don't know if this makes any difference but I thought I might as well mention it.
From what I have read, the green light does not activate the photosynthesis of the plant. I am sure there is some detailed science about it, if you poke around a search engine.
I have never needed to interrupt my nights, but from what I have read, some growers use green light to work in their grow room during night cycle.


Well-Known Member
One time in Australia, I was advised by an old Abo. to cover the lower fan leaves, with a black plastic skirt,(black trash bag) yes, just the lower fan leaves is enough to fool the plant, I was in no condition to heed his advice, as I was being pursued at the time, and have recovered from a plane crash (ho hum)perhaps this method is popular in Australia ..?

But as this may be urgent, I suggest you make a light proof tent, outta black trash bags, and tape, even if you have to use a corner room section and some string from the roof to hold it up


Well-Known Member
that would certainly be a bitch having to remove the trash bag all the time. lol ;) 5436.gif
One time in Australia, I was advised by an old Abo. to cover the lower fan leaves, with a black plastic skirt,(black trash bag) yes, just the lower fan leaves is enough to fool the plant, I was in no condition to heed his advice, as I was being pursued at the time, and have recovered from a plane crash (ho hum)perhaps this method is popular in Australia ..?

But as this may be urgent, I suggest you make a light proof tent, outta black trash bags, and tape, even if you have to use a corner room section and some string from the roof to hold it up


Well-Known Member
Go buy a few 1x1's, and some contractor bags. (Very cheap way to light seal) Construct a skeleton box that fits over the plants. Staple the bags to the skeleton cage, Presto.

Although black bag's are not good for reflection, in a bind you could make something like this enclosed with fan's n shit + light, and you got yourself a REALLY ghetto grow box. If you stretch the bags out nice and tight, you could even spray paint the inside gloss white. ;) Although, It will be really easy to tear or fuck up somehow, even dropping something on the top would probably cause a hole. Just my .02