help got advice to repot during flowering stage is this ok?


i got a 3ft 7in plant thats got soil problems.Ive got it in river silt and potting soil and was told that the river silt was causing her to loose nuts.I just put her on 12/12 yesterday and im wondering would it hurt her to repot in straight potting soil and add nuts.also my p/h is 7.2 to 7.6 and 3.0cl and 6.5br so im gonna start ot let the water sit 24 to 48 hours before watering

Please help the problem is getting steadily worse wat do i do


sandy soil left by the river about 85 years ago before they built levees to regulate the flow of the miss river i have access to property that used to be part of the river and tomatoes love it but mary j obviously dosent


Well-Known Member
Do some research on your river silt medium. i dont see why it would cause but deficiency. has your medium caused any problems yet?? if not then why transplant now??? and if you do transplant just swith back to 24/0 for a bit till everything regulates. that should be fine.


it hasnt caused any problems before but it came a hard rain the day before i brought it inside and it packed the soil really tight and i think thats the problem that and the fact that it hasnt had nut since over a month ago


Well-Known Member
it hasnt had nut since over a month ago

hahahaha it hasnt had nut??? you got one horny girl dude!! haha just kidding

but how tight did it pack it??? if you transplant and completely get the old dirt out it will re-arrange the roots and stunt growth for about a week or so. so make sure its something you really think you have to do before doin it. and do put back in 24/0 if you do take that route


update the root system was small and tightly packed and i couldnt get all previous dirt off with out hurting her much worse than i did and yes the river silt had packed extremely tight :( ok shes in a bigger pot with good soil now so if i just add a little 6.8p/h water with light nutrients ,diluted 13-13-13 one teaspoon to 2 gal/water and put her on 24/7 ?HOW LONG DO I LEAVE HER ON 24/7 BEFORE GOING BACK TO 12/12? she should be ok ?right?


Well-Known Member
IMO I'd leave it on 12\12 you don't want to fuck with the light cycle...that makes on scene to me??? pls explain saynotodrugs??


dude what are you trying to grow, your making everything to complicating when its really simple. if your going to repott it and you think its packed down to tight than u need to add more water and carefully try to cut out the plant but make sure you dont damage none of the roots and put it into some fresh soil.
i had the same problem like last year and thats what i did it worked, but i have researched alot more about marijuana and i think you should be fine, as long as you dont hurt the roots and the plant itself you should be fine


Active Member
u can transplant if ya want...and if its packed supertight...water it like he said..but let it dry a lil when you flip it over the roots down pull on the stem too much...and break..then just repot..if you got it on 12/12 i would keep it on need to fuck up the light cycle..its already going to go threw a bit of shock in the transplant..but it should be ok..
and you can still use that rive slit..just mix it light..with some reg medium..Mississippi Mud!!!
Its a southern
peace homie.
check my thread out.garage sale grow room.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
All these replys and no help yet aint that a bitch. Here the reall problem its your ph get that shit down to 5.5-6.5 no higher. That will allow for more nute uptake and solve said problem. And if your gonna transplant just go bigger pot and set the entire root ball in there. Roots will grow threw to the new soil and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
The reason i am saying to back to 24/0 is that it hasnt started flowering yet so the plant wont know any different if you switch back until everything regulates in the root system and everyhting that is goin on with the plant.


Well-Known Member
I have transplanted during 12/12 before. Then the next grow (same strain and size clones) I but the clones into the pots I used for the original transplant. Anyway results were bigger tighter structured plants and buds without that transplant in the middle. There was no signs of stress the first go round with the transplant, but the results spelled it all out for me.

Follow the advice everyone has given here. Be careful and use lots of PH balanced water. But if you try to remove the old dirt you are going to have a bad time with poor results, just make the pot bigger with fresh dirt if you wish.

Personally I have used silt from the edge of a swamp before and had fabulous results. Maybe I just got lucky.

Good Luck, it would be a shame to loose that big plant ;)


nothing personal man but im that new to this that i dont know right from wrong and the majority said leave it 12/12 so i am and she isnt drooping anymore, like when i first repotted so at lights out im thinking she will be ok


another update :the damage isn't any better but it isn't any worse either. She stopped drooping and is back standing up and growing a little. All the ends of the stems were drooping but aren't anymore, and most of the leaves are back standing up so i think she'll be ok, only time will tell though