Help help help help


Active Member
I've got Super Lemon haze and Critical #48 growing. Im 3 weeks into flowering and my SLH has thrown out some BALL SACS!!!!! Heres a pic and this is the only place on the plant i see them so far. I dont see any in any of the buds or anywhere else. SO what do you think, is it hermie? should I move it out of the room? Should I scrap it? SUGGESTIONS PLEASE!!!! IMG_20130315_184642.jpg

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i've never had one herm, but i would pick the ball sacks off and keep a close eye on it. if it becomes too much of a risk either destroy it or go for seeds. GL


Active Member
You can not keep a true hermie from producing male is genetic.
Keeping it is a waste of time and WILL wreck your other plant too.
And before people say to spray it with something to keep it female: Please note: "Reverse" and other products like it does NOT reverse the sex- it reverses the pollination of the other plants... you spray THEM not the male/hermie... it is what they use to make seedless grapes/watermelons etc....

If it was later in flower- I'd say you might be dealing with a stress hermie from a light-cycle problem or a light leak (still a possibility) But keeping ALL the balls pulled off is often not possible- because as they grow back, they will grow INSIDE the female buds!!


Active Member
You can not keep a true hermie from producing male is genetic.
Keeping it is a waste of time and WILL wreck your other plant too.
And before people say to spray it with something to keep it female: Please note: "Reverse" and other products like it does NOT reverse the sex- it reverses the pollination of the other plants... you spray THEM not the male/hermie... it is what they use to make seedless grapes/watermelons etc....

If it was later in flower- I'd say you might be dealing with a stress hermie from a light-cycle problem or a light leak (still a possibility) But keeping ALL the balls pulled off is often not possible- because as they grow back, they will grow INSIDE the female buds!!

damn. i think im going to just put it in a different room and see what happens...


Well-Known Member
hermies come in different flavors, some better than others
some, like the 1 i've encountered, will throw and throw nanners right until it's end
and cutting off every one is probably not likely, too many and they can hide
on the other hand, i do see some have nanner throwers that don't do much harm, pollen is sterile, flowers stop after a short while, etc.


Active Member
hermies come in different flavors, some better than others
some, like the 1 i've encountered, will throw and throw nanners right until it's end
and cutting off every one is probably not likely, too many and they can hide
on the other hand, i do see some have nanner throwers that don't do much harm, pollen is sterile, flowers stop after a short while, etc.
if i leave the hermied SLH in the room with the critical #48 and it pollinates it, i know all the seeds will be female, but will all of them be hermies too? or can it go either way simply because they have the trait?


I've had some grows go hermie on me and usually all the plants went so it wouldn't did me any good to remove them even if I could see the balls......


Well-Known Member
if i leave the hermied SLH in the room with the critical #48 and it pollinates it, i know all the seeds will be female, but will all of them be hermies too? or can it go either way simply because they have the trait?
all hermies? probably not, at least that's been my very limited experience
will they all be nice females? again, probably not, likely a mix of good and bad, which is true for seeds in general i guess


Active Member
kill it, its a waist of time
im only growing two right now so i just put it in another room. Its a big ass plant and im gonna get a few ounces off of it so ill just take the seeds out... and plant them outside cuz its ALMOST MAY MON!!!!!!!! YAGGA!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth. I grew a cut of blueberry back in the day, gave it away to all my friends and they had a try at growing it as well. Out of a good handful of friends just ONE, might I add the only one who did not have a light timer had a problem with a female throwing male flowers. I collected the flowers before they opened and kept them in a jar in my fridge. I then had a some sog sized cuttings of ak, so I decided to donate a small clone to seed production with the flowers from the only berry to hermie. years later, the results..out of the germinated seeds, I have yet to see a male. This crossing was only an f1, but still no males.


Well-Known Member
Let us know how this turns out .. Iam starting a Critical #47 a week already ... seen some huge yeilds from this puppy .. Very high THC and unbelievable yeilds .. seen some even purple..