HELP HELP HELP my plant is drooping.


Active Member
so ive searched around on the internet but not found an answer. something weird is happening with my plants. the bottom half of the stalk is fine and standing up straight but the other top part has no strength to it at all, it just bends. am holding it up with strings but what can i do to solve this.
is it from over watering? i went through a phase with it where i watered every other day cause the plant was dying and needed nutes. so i stopped watering it so much for about a week but still no help. what could be making the stalk weak and bendy?
pleeeeeeeease help thanks.


Well-Known Member
I looked at your pics but not sure any are showing current issue. You are in flowering so is it the weight of the buds that are bending the top? I think weak light grows those stems slimmer and makes them more prone to bending with buds added. Just got to tie them up. Post a pic for better comments.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
^ What he said. The limbs could be to thin and weak for the weight of the buds. Weak stems are a direct result of poor lighting.... most of the times.

I have grown out some nice sativas that have had this problem, and it had nothing to do with lighting. Some sativas carry a certain gene, that produce thin whimsical branches. These type of sativas need to be tied up. OR crossed with a strain that produces strong healthy branches.

Anyways, Tie those branches up... and you should be fine.


Active Member
so i shouldnt dry it out or anything. i should just tie them up ? and yes its because of the weight of the buds especially the main top one. oh and this happened the day after i posted those pics which was kinda strange.