Help! Help! Help! What shall i do


Active Member
Here is my plant that im trying to grow i started it off from a seed in a rockwool block under just and normal T5 fluro light with 3 turbes in it. I have now moved it to a 30L pot which has clay balls on the bottom and the rest is coco. Im was using canna Vega A+B, now im using canna coco. Does this plant look alright and should i put my 600W light on it yet? Does the plant look alright or are the nodes to far apart?:cry:


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Well-Known Member
plant looks healthy.. since you switched nutes and just transplanted go very easy on the nutes.. 1/4 strength at most and i would give that plant a week or 2 before going under the 600...

looks good tho


Active Member
Cheer thanks for the help. The nutes i have say to use 2-3ML per one L so should i only use 1Ml perL? and how long should i wait till i use more nutes?


Well-Known Member
start with 1/4 reccomended and work your way up slowly.. i personally never exceed 3/4 strength (i play it safe ;) ), i would bump it up a little weekly.. and since your growing in soil you will want to flush your plants about every 3 weeks with 3 times the pot size in fresh water.. (if your using a 3l pot flush with 9l of water), this will flush any buid up you may have.


Active Member
Cheers, do you know much about pk 13-14 in the canna range? and is coco alright to grow in?


Well-Known Member
i have alot of friends that say coco is the best, i personally haven't tried it, i'm a hydro guy for the most part and use hydroton..

not sure about the pk 13-14 in the canna range??? if im correct your giving your plants the BLOOM feed now? is this correct? I use the sensi product, but when you indicate the A+B I am assuming its a 2 part nute?

Here's a simple breakdown on NPK,

N = Nitrogen 7-9-5
Nitrogen is the first major element responsible for the vegetative growth of plants above ground. With a good supply, plants grow sturdily and mature rapidly, with rich, dark green foliage.

P = Phosphorus 7-9-5
The second major element in plant nutrition, phosphorus is essential for healthy growth, strong roots, fruit and flower development, and greater resistance to disease.

K = Potassium (Potash) 7-9-5 The third major plant nutrient, potassium oxide is essential for the development of strong plants. It helps plants to resist diseases, protects them from the cold and protects during dry weather by preventing excessive water loss.


Well-Known Member
i dont flush that often in soil. i feed plain water here and there to try and keep buildup to a minimum, but i only really flush at the end.


Active Member
No im using Canna CoCo and its just the same nute throught the whole stage and recomend to use pk 13-14 during flowering stage with them BLOOM nute... Pk 13-14 is ment to be used insted of potash. Im still really confused about it all and not sure what to do. I thought my plants want that great as the nodes look to far appart.. And im still only under 3 T5 fluros


Well-Known Member
the t5's could be causing "stretch." try getting them closer to the plant for awhile. it may start getting bushier.

i've never grown in coco, so i have no idea what the salt build up is like. i imagine it's much better than soil. that's just an un-educated guess tho.


Active Member
Excellent can i pretty much put the light on the plant? how tall should i go before turning back and how do i clone of it and when should i do that?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Your plant looks fine. You are doing a good job. You should check out the GrowFAQ it was lots of info on all those questions you have about cloning


Well-Known Member
i always try not to let them touch. iirc, t5's run REALLY cool. rule of thumb is to put the back of your hand near it. if the heat is a bit warm for you, it's likely a bit warm for the plant.


Well-Known Member
Put the T5s a couple inches away, also do you have a fan blowing on the plant? If you dont you definitely need one.


Active Member
Cheers for all the info im currently not running a fan atm ill hook one up tomorrow if you think i need one


Well-Known Member
dude i wouldnt worry about the stretch too much i started mine from seed in a window they remained there for a month n half n got stretch upto 4" distance between nodes, i then put them under a 600w lamp they grew rapidly, the weight of the growth shrank the stretch to about 1" and a further nodes just grew as normal, n i think all looks good, infact ive just started a thread about them...


Active Member
Excellent. so the 600w light will make the stem grow bigger too? the plat doesnt look real strong at the moment


Well-Known Member
that 600w light will fix any stretch issues. if you want yer stems thicker, use fans. being blown about stimulates heartier stem development. just don't blow em over. u can also pinch the stems. this has worked for me in the past.