

Active Member
My plant are about 4in tall right now everything seems to be going good except the fact that they beagn to lean this week and now are laying on the ground... Can anyone tell me what is going on, i had a fan that was blowing on them from the top so i turned it off and it didnt do much more plants fell over.. Help what should i do...


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
My plant are about 4in tall right now everything seems to be going good except the fact that they beagn to lean this week and now are laying on the ground... Can anyone tell me what is going on, i had a fan that was blowing on them from the top so i turned it off and it didnt do much more plants fell over.. Help what should i do...

How much are you watering it?


Well-Known Member
have you been watering,feeding??? keep that fan on low and have it blowing blowing from the sides rather then top also if stem is weak you need something to straighten that stem


Active Member
I try to check the soil with my finger 3 inches deep if it is dry i water but i also bought this fertilizer. i stopped using it because my meter read "too much". its 30-10-10.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Then you might need to prop these up. Chop sticks are skewers work well. Stand up the plant and put a stick on either side, tie some twine or string around it and it should stand up.


Active Member
They are beggining their second week, today. The fertilizer is Expert Gardening water soluble, It said it feeds acid loving plants. Which i heard they like.


Well-Known Member
my advice is stop giving nutes till they are at least a month old just ph tested water and thats all