Help how much bio bloom.. give and when??? From seedling??


Active Member
I have just planted my first seedlings and dont know how much nutrients to give them
and when?. I really neddto know this as i know everyhting else... hopefully some1 can help..I am using a 600 watt in an attic grow space and i have got biobizz products.. any other advice for a beginner grower would be appreciated. thanks ecktoplazm:joint:


I'm using biobizz products too. I used 2 1/2 teaspoons per gallon of water. and water them every three or so days, depending on how damp the soil is. I also mist them every couple days. but you have to remember one of the most important things to do is flush your plants.


Active Member
thanks for the info guys.. the charts sweet but how soon do you give your little sprouts nutrients?? Should i have small lights on my sibblings until they get leaves?? I have 3 "ak 47" and 3 "early bud" 5 of them have sprouted after germenation .... but 1 has sprouted and is sort of bent over and doesent look as if it has the stregnth to grow should i intervene with this 1 or just let it be?? thanks alot for your answers guys i am writing all the info i get into a diary for future reference, thanks ecktoplazm


Active Member
I had same problem with a limp stem I just built some soil around it to keep it upright. Having a light breeze on the plant will help it get stronger. Im growing an auto flower and started giving it nutes at around 17 days and used a quarter strength because I used a good soil full of good nutes already. If you got basic soil I would start using around 14 days but that's just my opinion.


Active Member
nice 1 mate i will wait and see how strong they look before i nute them,, but with the limp stem should i move the stem or just surround with soil?? i dont want to stress the sibling.. also if u dont mind me asking, were do you get good auto seeds from?? and what are good ones to get ?? cheers EcKtOpLaZm​


Active Member
I'm only on my first grow but I got them from and I got 5 critical seeds I messed one up sadly but there supposed to be 8 week cycles but my oldest is on 10 weeks today. I'm gona leave it till next week to chop it's just started to turn purple on some of the tips so looking tasty and ripe. But it's only 1ft tall lmao. With the limp stem don't move it just straighten it and surround it use some small stones if you need to it just needs support till it gets stronger all the best with the grow. I forgot to mention I used biobizz bloom grow and topmax with some molasses and it was all good but when your using the bio grow at full strengh it gets smelly till the bud takes over lol
I got pics of my bud if you go to my profile then album I'm on my phone so i can't attach pics :(


Active Member
cheers for the advice jason its well apreciated bro,, i have just straightened the stem and surrounded it with soil hopefully it looks as if it can handle on its own in the morning lol..
mate one of these babys has got a big fuck off stem much larger than the others lol it looks asif its gona be a beauty.. i will check your pics out bro.. what kind of grow space are you using ??i just converted my attic and it looks sweet, just got a cuple of things to do before i can put my babys up there.. p.s do you know a gd extractor fan i can use and if i even need one?? cheers again EcktOpLaZm


Active Member
I would wait save the money for an extractor then get it when you need it you might not need one as the smell may contain itself in the attic but I've been recommended to use rhino filter extractor fans have you done environment checks like humidity and temps with lights on/off for prolonged periods I didn't do mine until it was started but got away with it until the temp outside got stupidly hot.

I had the similar findingswith my babies my first one was tiny and is now 1ft but I didn't put it in soil till the taper root was quiet big. Now with my other two I planted one as soon as I could see the taper root and it's nearly 3rd then the other one I did it when the taper root looked roughly 10 cm and this is around 2ft so I know it's my first grow but I'm sure that germination is key ro the size of the plants. Now my youngest at the minute is easily gona be the biggest :) as I planted it as soon as I could see the root and looks nearly double the size of all the others :)


Active Member
I would wait save the money for an extractor then get it when you need it you might not need one as the smell may contain itself in the attic but I've been recommended to use rhino filter extractor fans have you done environment checks like humidity and temps with lights on/off for prolonged periods I didn't do mine until it was started but got away with it until the temp outside got stupidly hot I caught it at 34oc once so had to turn lights off for 10 minutes and that was it sorted but i got to be alert on a hot day

I had the similar findings with my babies my first one was tiny and is now 1ft but I didn't put it in soil till the taper root was quiet big. Now with my other two I planted one as soon as I could see the taper root and it's nearly 3rd then the other one I did it when the taper root looked roughly 10 cm and this is around 2ft so I know it's my first grow but I'm sure that germination is key ro the size of the plants. Now my youngest at the minute is easily gona be the biggest :) as I planted it as soon as I could see the root and looks nearly double the size of all the others :)