Help! Hps 600 watt turns on but won't light.

I bought a philips 600 watt kit. With ballast, bulb and reflector, but no cords. I bought some cords at my local homedepo.
When I turn the hps on, it just makes a buzzing sound, and flash at every 20-30 second.

I got a new bulb, but it's still the same.
Anybody experienced something like this before?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Did your kit include a manual with a wiring schematic? If so, what guage wire did it recommend? Need more info.
There was no manual or anything with my kit, just a reflector, bulb and a ballast. Here's a picture of my ballast, mabe somebody can spot what i'm doing wrong :)



Well-Known Member
you are not in US? right? w/out stating that,you will get a lot of people trying to help but using a different electric system w/ different color codes, ect.


Well-Known Member
Judging by the fact he said he got the cord at Home depot you can assume he's from the US since as far as I know Home depot is only an american store.


Active Member

That ballast lacks an ignitor which HPS needs to work. I would imagine a 600 Watt MH bulb would work just fine in it. WAIT it says its for 230v...... That is the european standard. DO NOT USE THAT HERE IN THE STATES, IT IS A FIRE HAZARD.
Sorry I didn't explain better. I was bashed, and my english is not very good.
I'm in Denmark. The reason I said Home Depo, is because I couldn't remember the english name for a place where you buy cords.
I tried exchanging the cords brown is now in L and blue in N, it still doesn't work :/


Well-Known Member
if its new, I would return it. if not, a new cap & ignitor are the cheapest place to start.
careful of the cap! they hold enough voltage to bite even after being unplugged