HELP!!! I am gonna have CFL's in a long short space and im hella ignorant help!!!

:confused:OK So here is the deal I am about to start a grow in a space about 6' long 3' wide and about 3' tall im gonna have 2 of them actually and I am starting as a poor mans grow I plan on painting the walls white and have power strips im gonna spread out and put socket splitters on them where I can put 6 lights on one power strip so eventually six strips of 23 watt CFL's or equal to 100 watt 1,600 lumen and maybe 3-4 50 watt but right now I only have the 2700k lights and yes I will be getting something closer to 6000k now my problem is im gonna be using random seeds off some not so great stuff (yea yea I know hence poor man grow lol) now I dont know how many I should try and grow in that small of a space and the best way to keep them like 2 foot also I will most likely only be able to balance the ph throughout the grow I do plan to try and use coffee during the veg stage so pretty much will someone please help me with some advice maybe knock some sense into me and yes I am trying to get some seeds but also have no idea what I should get I would like something like northern lights because it wakes you up but indicas are shorter so help anywhere with all this would be greatly appreciated :confused:
I have looked up a good bit I was just thinking I might could get some more direct info cause pretty much all I really know is clones with HPS lights in a big space

Cereal box

Active Member
Cfl growing is pretty simple. For your bulbs I'd recommend at least 40-50 watt bulbs as they help produce denser buds. You could even get a 125w cfl hood and bulb for like 60$ on amazon. Probably around 80$ in total to grab the 2700k bulb too.

Since your working in a small space you think about using half gallon or gallon pots while using LST( low-stress training). You can also top or fim to get them more wide than tall.

Also, I've never heard of anyone giving their plant coffee. You should do some heavy research before you commit to that. I'm not saying don't do it, just make sure you know why your doing it!

So what else do you need to know man?
Well I heard that having more lights spread out is better than having fewer higher powered lights that way it gets through the canopy so I was thinking a 50 watt closer to the biggest buds and like 4 others surrounding it if I can afford it

My thing is im not gonna be able to buy marijuana specific soil or nutrients its gonna be more like get a high N soil like 5-0-0 or something and use perlite get a ph balance and thats it most likely or until I can afford it

As for the LST I was thinking get like a rod or something and try and get the stalk horizontal but I am also interested in the nets though I have no clue how to use them

How tall should I have them before I go 12-12 and how long would it take on average to get to that point from seed? Something else I dont know is when do I clone from seed? I have only cloned from clones and I think the shortest one was maybe 3ft or so also would it be ok to use "super thrive" I would prob use rock wool for that but what would be the bare minimum of nutrients for that I know I can use honey to dip it in but after that would just a rooting hormone be ok? I have some experience but im completely out of my element here and with the clones I doubt ill have much room for error I did have about a 90% success rate with my clones in Cali though I think ill be lucky to get 30%
Oh with the coffee thing ive heard good stuff cause its high in N hell even mixing it with your soil is said to be good but it messes with the ph and I think it has some acids good for the plant in it

Cereal box

Active Member
Ah, I never heard that about coffee, that's pretty interesting. There are a bunch of recycle able thing you can use for nutrients. Pretty neat that stuff you'd typically throw away can instead be fed to your plants! I was planning on trying the banana peel method to give my plant a potassium boast tomorrow.

As far as how big to grow before 12/12 I'd say no bigger than 12". Most plants will at least double their size, some times triple, when they go into flower. It shouldn't take any long than 25-30 days for it to get that big. Then you could take a cutting or two off it for clones before you put it in 12/12. Ive never used super thrive so I can't really comment on that. If you already have experience with clones then it shouldn't be a problem though.

Everything else is really just up to preference though. You'll find out what works for you and what you like best. Then it'll seem like all the pieces just fall into place!

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
I've done the power strip and I'd say the splitter may give you too much heat, depending on how many you use. I have three with three single sockets and damn it gets hot in there.

This I don't know for sure, but I've read the splitters direct the light away from the plants, so look that up. I don't know if it's absolutely correct, but even if I'm wrong, it doesn't hurt to check
Yea exactly with the coffee and bananas though im not sure about the egg shells and what it provides oh I was told you have to lett the scrappings from the banana turn brown or dark before you use them and another thing ive heard that Starbucks gives their coffee grounds away daily but ive heard its better in compost but the way I know to put it straight in soil is set it in the sun until it dries or itll mold in your soil

I figured thats about the size I should do I was just afraid about yield so do you think if I just pulled the branches back with LST that I might get away without topping or super cropping them?
Do you know if a clone might survive if you just cut it and put it in rock wool? Im trying to remember the stuff "the acid stuff" I mixed in water and dipped the cuttings in was its the only thing I had that wasnt organic
I just cant remember what it was :roll:
Damn I planned on using 3 per strip thats all I can fit on one ill atleast do two on each and I have some fixtures I planned on hanging as well anyway with the strips I was thinking about taking some heater duct about 24" long cut it on one side down the middle open it up and cuts some holes in it and make my own hood for each strip I have either that or ive heard that shiny raping paper thats silver is just like the expensive stuff at the grow store so I might just use that as a reflector for the hoods im gonna make just whatever I can afford

Yea I damn sure gotta look that up man that would hella suck! So what do you yield with 3 how many watt CFLs on one plant?
Hmmm.....yea I planned on three splitters per strip thats all thatll fit I could just run two per

So what is your average yield with 3 how many watt CFLs?