Help! I dont want sally to die.


Thank you. Finally someone with some logic and reason, not saying anybody else dosent, but im flushing later. lights r off til 8pm. Im gunna flush and feed PH balanced water only. got a soil test kit and will check all the NPK of the soil as well. before the flush and after for my own knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Good plan man. Let us know any updates.. It's great to have follow up posts just in case other people have the same problems..

Happy Growing!


Flushed just now, used a few pebles per gallon of Shults 10-50-10 for the last gallon through to have some trace NPK to soak up, since that was deff. a lockout to salt buil up or ph lock out. either way i will post pics every day over the next week or so.


Well-Known Member
Are u serious. did u see the pics? its only been on 12/12 for 3 weeks and has amazing budage going on. Smell is overwhelming and i paid for the femminized seed. So im flushing and will post the results. Also changing to Shultz 10-50-10 at the rate of 1/16th of a teaspoon per gallon of distilled water.
LOL. Flushing and starting over is a safe path to follow. This will be a minor set back. Good luck.