Help, I found this plant

Mr. Marge

Active Member
From those pics i dont see how you could tell it was male.

it seemed pretty obvious to be a joke. and then an even further "joke's on you" by calling it a male.

...though how ironic would it be that one guy plants a plant, out in the wild. and some cockroach comes along and takes the plant. Then posts on the same forum that the Farmer also posts on.............:peace:


Well-Known Member
I have actually run across plants on 2 separate occations. one I grabbed and the other I left because they were being taken care of.


Well-Known Member
it seemed pretty obvious to be a joke. and then an even further "joke's on you" by calling it a male.

...though how ironic would it be that one guy plants a plant, out in the wild. and some cockroach comes along and takes the plant. Then posts on the same forum that the Farmer also posts on.............:peace:
Lol I guess I couldnt catch the sarcasm.


Active Member
here's my question. why bother digging someone else's plant if you don't know about growing; at least take the initiative to do some research on your own first. there's plenty of information on these forums... it's called a search button. better yet, go into google, type in some keywords and bam, there you go, information. it's not that hard, yes, internet is that amazing. i've learned plenty from just browsing (hence the low post count).

honestly don't care if the plant was found or if you started it from seed. regardless, the question you asked is common knowledge in the basics of growing marijuana.


Well-Known Member
i can believe he found that plant. ive geurilla grown in the woods b4 and sum fuckers stole 2 plants i had near each other. thank god i dint put all my babies in the same spot. i personally think u shoodve left it alone cux if it was u that plant was for and sumbdy "found" it and took it u wood b 1 angry mofo like i was