HELP!! I have bugs!


Well-Known Member
I have these little white bugs, neem wont work. Ive had them for months but they seemed to not be spreading until now there out of control and I looked at bugs on forums and none match so not sure what they are. What should I use?? Help appreciated if you help I will give reo only experienced growers . Thanks you really expect anyone to be able to help you without any pictures? ...if you don't know what the bug is AND you don't post pictures, how in hell are we supposed to know what the bug is or how to treat it?

...a picture is worth a thousand words bro.

peace, bozo
"Llittle white bugs" is pretty vague....

Where are they?
Do you see any eggs or larvae?
Do they fly? (whiteflies?)
What kind of damage are the causing?
How big is "little"?

Help me help you....
What medium are u using? Do you have pics? Did u recently have a fungus gnat population explosion? If you cant identify the bug your probably not looking in right area. Not all bugs are pests.Also look up 'hynoaspis miles bug images"......good luck!
No they dont fly . They stay around the top of the pot and on the plants but not all of them. The blue dream and og they are on but not my blue widow ,trainwreck,gdp, cali connection not sure what strain just no the breeder on the last one. I cant really get a pic they are fast not real fast but move and are small . Ill try to get a pic I guess