HELP!! I have no idea whats problems...


Active Member
ok, so here is my setup:
400HPS cool tube
3x1.5x4 Tent
proper intake and exhaust fans
26.5 degrees constant
osiclating fan
store bought nutes(plant prod) 15-30-15
18 days into flower cycle
Strain is Pass Skunk
Hempy Buckets with perilite and vermiculite
I water every two/three days with nutes at full strength

So I've had problems with this since the beginning, brown spots appearing on leaves as you can see from the pics. Now some of the upper canopy leaves are turning upside down. I let it grow too much for my tent and top canopy could be too close to the light, but my last run worked out fine and it was approx same height. My light cannot be moved any higher, i could slide plants closer to the wall and the light heat should be less. But i don't believe this is the problem...I think its a defficiency of something, however I'm new to this growing thing and the answer eludes me, so I turn to the experts....please help..hoping i can still salvage my harvest...


Well-Known Member
nut burn chill on the nuts try maybe 1/3 and slowly work up. but yea alot of damage has been done so i would maybe even flush and then slowly add nuts.


Active Member
Nute burn in a severe way! Did you mix your store bought nutes as per direction?
First things first get them in the tub and start flushing 1 gal first let it all soften up, then hit them again! you wan't it to finish with clear clean tasting water emiting from the bottom.
Do it Now! Like right now, time is of the essance. Try not to get the foliage wet as you will wan't to return them to the light with fan blowing across the surface of the soil.


Active Member
Tell me about the nutes, if you mixed them per direction, that is how the overdose happened. MJ likes alot of nutes, And will use them, but we tend to get very heavy handed sometimes, pushing a strain to its potetial. Start out and stay with what they can utilize. Try mixing any nute at 1/4 see what your paticular strain can handle and adjust. The rule of thumb here is. "It's far easyer to add more than to remove exess!"


Well-Known Member
You stated ---->"I water every two/three days with nutes at full strength" <---- when was the last time you watered them with plane pH'ed water?? your over feeding them.. do a search on the forum on feeding schedules for your type of grow media... best of luck i suggest you flush with plain pH'ed water now.

Melungeonman, is correct take his advice and and they should be ok!!

best of luck!!


Well-Known Member
just because a plant can handle a highh ppm of nutes does not mean higher is better. ive had some strains that burn at 600ppm and some take 3000ppm and show no problems. but the ones that did fine at 3000 have much higher yield at 1000ppm. they can only use so much.


Well-Known Member
Your right superstoner1, i am currently growing NL auto and starts to burn with any thing over 250ppm this is a first and all time low with my experiences in growing it just show not all plants are the same.

Happy Growing..:bigjoint:


Active Member
I've always had alot of problems finding plants whose requirments are the same. For "MY" lazyness sake, why can't these super breeders breed us some frankendope like that! Meanwhile I'm gonna keep it to "raw" organics transformed into molasass tea, couple feedings during veg couple feedings during bloom no flush, no worries no ordering chem, and in the end I can screen out most of the roots dump in some worm compost molassas tea, stir it all up and cover in a couple weeks I've got awsome clone seedling starter. I rebuild the rest of the used soil with admendments worm castings, guano, and black sea kelp, finally, bloodmeal. I can't buy soil like that.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if they mentioned it, but dont expect those overdone leaves to recover. They won't. You'll be concentrating on whatever new leaf growth you have.


Active Member
Ok I flushed hard yesterday...Think were clear of what wasn't my next question is should I trim off burnt foliage?...or no? I know trimming after flowering isn't recommend however I think if I don't plant will waste resources trying to repair burnt foliage?!?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i'm a firm believer in NO TRIMMING!!!
removing badly damaged leaves will always be better than leaving them on the plant. Severely damaged leaves will take more energy and nutrients than they produce, removing them will speed the growth of new healthy leaves, and improve your plant's vitality.

I've not used hempy pots yet, but the concept seems similar to shallow aquifer irrigation (soil layered over deep beds of gravel into which water is pumped, as a way to prevent evaporation and fungal blooms in hot dry climates) in shallow aquifer irrigation, you gotta stay off the fertilizers cuz it builds up on the gravel if you lay it on thick. less fertilizer, per feeding (usually like a max of 2/3 the flood or sprinkler irrigation dose), and much less frequent application of fertilizers is the program for this technique. for melons and peppers we fertilized every third irrigation, but this was a commercial farm with spent, salty dogged out soil. good soil would need even less, and if you use a complimentary crop, crop rotation or fallow seasons you would need far far less chemical amendments.