I went to water and take care of my plants this morning, i woke up feeling a little bit sick in my stomach, outta fear (ive gotten that feeling before, like before i crash my bike or something) but i thought w.e so iam watering my first plant and i hear what sounds like a police radio, like F-14 or something, but after a bit i calm myself down, then i move to the second and i hear this helicopter and i have a hospital landing pad near by so aim hoping its not white and blue, but than it is, but going the other way, than it turns coming right for me, i run and and hide, hear it do a second loop than i get outta the bush and go home. I unpack all my stuff and am now worried, quite frankly i dont care about the plants but there in pots, could they get my finger prints off that, i dont think my fingerprints are on file, but when i was younger i gave them to a anti-kidnapping organization, could the police use that?so wat should i do?i dont wanna go back, Just so u know i live in a small Ontario town in Canada, and only have 3 plants.Plz Help!